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Rates and Fees

Making Payments 

Drexel internal users must sign in through iLab and be a member of an active research group. Please request your advisor or research group administrative staff to assign a cost center to your profile in iLab. Usage will be billed monthly.

External academic users and industry users must prepay for services or submit a valid purchase order.  Payment by credit card through our online storefront is preferred.  

Payment can also be made by checks payable to "Drexel University" and mailed to the instrument manager's attention at Drexel University Materials Science, LeBow 344, 3141 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104. 

FY2025 Hourly Rates and Fees effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Training or assistance is $50/hour plus the instrument hourly rate. 

Instrument Internal External Academic Industry
Apreo SEM $40  $80  $300
Zeiss SEM $30 $60 $300
$60 $300
$30 $60 $300
XRD-SmartLab $7.50 $15 $250
$7 $14 $250
XPS $21 $42 $325
Field Emission TEM  $50
$35 $70 $300
$18 $36 $150
Sample Prep $40 $80 $200