The Ultima IV is a fully automated upright microscope – objectives are above the stage. This configuration is ideal for in vivo imaging of whole specimens. The Ultima IV is equipped with a tunable two-photon excitation laser that allows dual color imaging of CFP/GFP/YFP together with mCherry/TdTomato.

Light Sources
Halogen lamp for bright-field microscopy (white light illumination)
- a contrast image of the specimen can be directly observed through the eyepiece
Metal halide arc lamp for direct visualization of fluorescent specimens through the eyepiece
Tunable Coherent Chameleon Ultra II Ti:Sapphire laser
- Range of 2-photon excitation: 680-1080 nm
Emission filters:
- 490-560 nm for CFP/GFP/YFP/Fluo-4
- 570-620 nm for mCherry/TdTomato
(Magnification / Numerical aperture)
- 10x/0.5 Dry (Olympus)
- 20x/1.0 Water (Olympus) → for 2-photon excitation – Working Distance = 2 mm
- 40x/0.8 Water (Olympus) → for 2-photon excitation – WD = 3.3 mm
Two external non-descanned detectors (a multi-alkali PMT Hamamatsu model R3896 and a GaAsP PMT Hamamatsu model 7422PA-40)
Acquisition software
Prairie View Acquisition Software (Bruker)