Co-op for Biology Majors

Although not required for biological sciences majors, the Drexel Co-op program allows students to gain up to 18 months of valuable, résumé-enhancing experience in their discipline. For students planning on pursuing advanced degrees in the biological sciences or careers in research, co-op is essential for career development. There is no better way to gain real-world experience than by working at some of the leading academic and industry labs, acquiring techniques and contacts for their careers after Drexel.

Thinking of medicine instead? Co-op is still a highly recommended experience. Gaining an understanding of what it takes to bring research discoveries from bench to bedside is invaluable for anyone contemplating medicine. The benefit of co-op is also more immediate. Medical schools are looking for applicants who have real-world experiences. Drexel co-op sets our pre-med students apart in experience and skill development in critical thinking and communication.

All biology majors are eligible for co-op. The following options are available:

Five Year, Three Co-op

This option allows for the greatest amount of employment experience, with three distinct six-month periods of employment. After the start of the sophomore year, students study or work through all terms, including the summer.

Four Year, One Co-op

This option includes just one six-month period of full-time employment. After the start of sophomore year, students study or work through all terms, including the summer. Note: students enrolling in the BA/BS+MD 4+4 Early Assurance program beginning in 2018 will participate in this option.

Four Year, No Co-op

This option includes no co-op/internship employment. Students are not required to pursue studies during any of the summer terms.

Top Co-op Employers

Biological sciences students conduct co-ops with a variety of industry leaders. These are usually paid research experiences. A sampling of top employers is below.

  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Centocor
  • AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
  • Wistar Institute
  • Moss Rehab
  • ViroPharma, Inc.
  • NovaFlora, Inc.
  • Wyeth
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • ConeTec, Inc.
  • Fox Chase Cancer Institute
  • Exelon Corporation
  • Progenra

Co-op opportunities are also available in research labs within the Department of Biology and other departments throughout Drexel University and the Drexel Medical College.

Learn more about the Drexel Co-op
Discover Research Co-ops

There are also a limited number of co-op opportunities abroad. Generally, however, compensation is significantly below U.S. rates.

Learn more about International Co-ops