Co-op Experience

Drexel Co-op: The real world experience

Drexel Co-op offers students the chance to learn from the healthcare leaders at major healthcare entities, top hospitals and major healthcare brands. The Co-op experience allows Drexel students to have real responsibility that augments the standard clinical experience that is expected and required to enter a healthcare profession. This sets students apart from their peers and allows them to be confident drivers of healthcare when they enter the workforce. For more information, visit the Steinbright Career Development Center website. For more information, please view the Fast Facts.

A world class location:  A network to the world 

Philadelphia is a top healthcare and pharmaceutical hub.  Drexel students learn and work with healthcare leaders of today and visionaries of tomorrow.  Drexel’s large external network exposes students to a very successful and active alumni base as well as connections to Fortune 500 companies and large nonprofits, via Co-op, research initiatives, cultural events, study abroad and more. For more information, visit the Steinbright Career Development Center International Co-op website.

Graduates of Drexel's Bachelor of Science in Nursing co-operative education program are uniquely equipped to gain real-world work experience while leading the way in nursing education.

Drexel first introduced the co-operative education program in 1919, making it one of the first models of its kind. With the nursing co-op program, students alternate periods of study with period of full-time professional employment.

The College of Nursing and Health Professions offers unparalleled opportunities for students to work at a wide range of Philadelphia-based healthcare systems or at other health care employers nationwide or abroad. Our nursing students often find themselves employed at some of the leading healthcare systems in the United States, such as the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Penn Medicine.

Placements like these not only provide students with comprehensive exposure to general and specialty fields, but also prepare them for rewarding careers after graduation. In fact, 92% of graduates are employed or enrolled in post-graduate education programs after graduation.

In addition, nursing students from the class of 2013 earned an average of $494/week while on co-op, and 38% of them accepted an offer of full-time employment from a previous co-op employer.

The co-op experience allows Drexel nursing students to have real responsibility that augments the standard clinical experience that is expected and required to enter a healthcare profession. This sets students apart from their peers and allows them to be confident drivers of healthcare when they enter the workforce.

Being a co-op student in Drexel's Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program puts you in an ideal position to gain real-world experience while leading the way in nursing education. Between the positions available at Philadelphia-based healthcare systems, and opportunities at home and abroad, it’s no wonder 92% of graduates are employed or enrolled in post-graduate education programs after graduation. Plus, earning a paycheck doesn’t hurt either.

Nursing students often find themselves employed at some of the leading healthcare systems in the United States, such as the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Penn Medicine. Placements like these not only provide students with comprehensive exposure to general and specialty fields, but prepare them for rewarding careers after graduation. Drexel's unique blend of lecture and clinical preparation, in conjunction with the co-op experience, leads students to great success as nurses. Students are frequently asked by employers to remain on staff part-time throughout the year due to their exemplary performance on the job.