Drexel University’s PA SNAP-Ed/EAT RIGHT PHILLY Program serves thousands of students, families, and staff in approximately 80 School District of Philadelphia schools, charter schools and community sites throughout the city of Philadelphia.

Eat Right Philly

Our goal is to empower participants to make choices that will promote good health for a lifetime. We seek to educate, support, and inspire improved wellness in schools and communities to help students, adults and families make healthful food choices and choose physically active lifestyles.


Who We Are

Drexel University’s PA SNAP-Ed / EAT RIGHT PHILLY program is a Pennsylvania Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (PA SNAP-Ed) partner which provides free nutrition outreach programs to SNAP-eligible participants. Drexel’s team is one of six partners to the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) EAT RIGHT PHILLY Program, the official nutrition education program of the SDP. EAT RIGHT PHILLY provides interactive nutrition lessons and programs designed to educate students and families, support schools and communities in creating healthier environments, and improve access to healthier choices. Drexel’s EAT RIGHT PHILLY Team is led by our Primary Investigator, Dr. Jennifer Quinlan and includes a staff of 15 employees. In addition, EAT RIGHT PHILLY hires both undergraduate and graduate students to assist in the preparation, delivery and reporting of nutrition program activities.

Meet the Team

What We Do

Drexel University’s EAT RIGHT PHILLY Team conducts interactive nutrition education programming using a variety of interventions to promote healthful eating and physically active lifestyles. The EAT RIGHT PHILLY Team uses approved, evidence-based and practice–tested curricula to conduct nutrition education lessons with students in kindergarten through twelfth grades and with adults. Lessons may include interactive activities, games, handouts, cooking activities, food tastings and incentives for participants.
EAT RIGHT PHILLY also employs a variety of interventions to promote wellness in schools and community sites that will help to make the healthy choice the easy choice. Examples of these interventions include:  

  • School Wellness – Work with School Wellness Councils, School Advisory Councils, or other groups to conduct a school wellness assessment, create an action plan, and implement strategies to improve school wellness
  • Promotional Programs:
    • Breakfast Promotion
    • Fruit or Vegetable Promotion
    • Healthy Celebrations
    • Healthy Fundraisers
    • Hydration Promotion
    • Physical Activity Promotions
  • Gardening – Whether in the classroom or outside in a garden, participants learn how to plant, grow, nurture and harvest vegetables
  • Food Assistance – Provide tips, recipes, cooking demonstrations, and food tastings to participants to demonstrate healthy recipes using a variety of foods.

Programming Site List

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