Pediatric Advanced Life Support

PALS Provider Course

Dates TBA

PALS Recertification Course

Dates TBA


The AHA's PALS course reflects the science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). The PALS Provider Course aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by preparing healthcare providers to effectively recognize and intervene in patients with respiratory emergencies, shock, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high performance team dynamics and high quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulations that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful completion of all the patient cases, students must pass the multiple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%.

After successfully completing this course, students will be able to

  • Perform high‐quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) per American Heart Association (AHA) basic life support (BLS) recommendations
  • Differentiate between patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
  • Recognize cardiopulmonary arrest early and begin CPR within 10 seconds
  • Apply team dynamics
  • Differentiate between respiratory distress and failure
  • Perform early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
  • Differentiate between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
  • Perform early interventions for the treatment of shock
  • Differentiate between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
  • Describe clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
  • Implement post–cardiac arrest management

Course Attendance:
Student must show up on time and prepared for class. Any student who is more than 15 minutes late after the start of the class will be not permitted to attend and must re-schedule for another course.

Course Textbook:
Every course requires the student to have a textbook with them. If student does not have a textbook with them for their course, they will not be permitted to attend their course and must re-schedule for another course – no exceptions. The textbook can be a hard copy or an e-book. If using an e-book, make sure to bring your electronic device to the class.

The AHA PALS Provider Manual can be purchased from:

American Heart Association

AED Superstore

Laerdal Medical Corporation



Course Cancellation, Refund, Re-Test and Re-Scheduling Policy
Any cancellations will require a $50 cancellation fee, no exceptions.
If less than 2 weeks before the course, no refund provided.

Retesting of any skills or written portion of any traditional course will be free for any initial certification course. If a second re-test is required a $50.00 fee will be charged and must be paid in full prior to the retest being scheduled. Any failure during a recertification course will require the student to take an initial provider certification course at the full registration fee.


AHA Course Completion Card Replacements and AHA eCard Assistance:

Electronic Certification Card (eCard) Replacement/Assistance – If your eCard was claimed, then we can provide, via email, a PDF or JPG of your card for a $10 fee. If your card was not claimed and 90 days have passed since your certification class, then a $20 fee will be charged for any assistance necessary in order to locate your card. You must provide the date that you took your course/class. When students take ANY certification or class, it is SOLELY the responsibility of the learner to be attentive when eCard instructions are given. It is also the responsibility of the learner to enter an ACCURATE email address when supplying student information. The Drexel University Division of CNE cannot be responsible for errant information passed on by the student. If you do not receive your eCard within two (2) weeks after completing a course, please contact our Department at These fees can ONLY be waived by decision of the AHA Training Center Coordinator.


Questions? Email



Drexel faculty, staff, alumni and students contact for a discount code.


Course Cancellation, Refund, Re-Test and Re-Scheduling Policy
Any cancellations will require a $50 cancellation fee, no exceptions.
If less than 2 weeks before the course, no refund provided.

Retesting of any skills or written portion of any traditional course will be free for any initial certification course. If a second re-test is required a $50.00 fee will be charged and must be paid in full prior to the retest being scheduled. Any failure during a recertification course will require the student to take an initial provider certification course at the full registration fee.


Hotel and Travel Info

Health Science Building, 60 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Discounted Hotel Rates - Drexel University has discounted rates with hotels in Philadelphia. Please visit our list of Hotels with Drexel University Discount Rates. Please note: discount rates based on availability.

Map of Preferred Hotels of Drexel University
Directions to Drexel's University City Campus
Drexel's University City Campus Map


Drexel AHA Instructors


The AHA’s PALS course reflects the science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). The PALS Provider Course aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by preparing healthcare providers to effectively recognize and intervene in patients with respiratory emergencies, shock, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using highperformance team dynamics and highquality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulations that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful completion of all the patient cases, students must pass the multiple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%.


Dates TBA - 10:00am-4:00pm - Health Science Building - Register Online



10:00am-4:00pm ET