Why do I have to do this?

How much does this cost?

Which address do I use on my order form?

Which forms get turned in where?

Do I have to submit my immunization records to CastleBranch and DrexelOne?

How do I send the forms to CastleBranch?

I don’t have a scanner or fax machine. Can you send it for me?

I was fingerprinted previously. Do I need to do it again?

Where can I get fingerprinted?

What is an IGRA blood test?

If I have a positive TB test, do I have to submit a chest X-Ray every year?

Do I need to complete the meningococcal requirement?

I received a rejection for the Hep B requirement but I cannot provide documentation of my Hep B vaccination series from the past. Can I just submit the lab report which shows immunity?

Are titers required if I have already completed the vaccination series?

Where can I take a CPR course?

Why can't I access my BioRAFT or HIPAA trainings?

If I begin the compliance process, but have to delay my clinical/practicum to a later quarter, will I have to resubmit all compliance documentation?

What if I don’t submit one of my compliance documents by the due date?

How do I know if my documents have been successfully submitted?

Does Drexel have a medical marijuana policy?

Do I have to pay for the PA Child Abuse Clearance?