Why do I have to do this?
Drexel’s agreements with the clinical sites require students to be fully immunized, CPR‐certified, and have background checks
completed annually. We also follow the
CDC recommendations for healthcare workers.
How much does this cost?
Cost varies slightly by program; most of the fees are built into your student fees.
Use any address where you can receive mail in the next 2 - 16 weeks.
Most programs require all documents to be submitted to CastleBranch. Please follow the specific instructions that were provided by your Compliance Coordinator.
Do I have to submit my immunization records to CastleBranch and DrexelOne?
Yes, Drexel University's Immunization Requirements are separate from clinical compliance. Therefore, you must submit the same forms to both CastleBranch and DrexelOne to be compliant.
Scan completed forms and upload them to your CastleBranch account. You may also contact CastleBranch for instructions on faxing your documents.
You may choose to scan or fax your forms from nearby stores such as FedEx.
I was fingerprinted previously. Do I need to do it again?
Yes. We require a background check done specifically for your clinical rotations.
Where can I get fingerprinted?
You can find your closest authorized fingerprinting location using IdentoGO's location finder:https://www.identogo.com/locations. You can also contact IdentoGO via telephone at 844.321.2101 for additional assistance.
What is an IGRA blood test?
Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) are a blood test for TB infection. These tests require one visit and the results are available quickly. Students who have received BCG can obtain a IGRA test. There are two types currently on the market.
QunatiFERON ®- TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT)
T-SPOT ®.TB test (T-Spot)
If I have a positive TB test, do I have to submit a chest X-Ray every year?
No, you are only required to submit proof of a negative chest X-ray result one time upon the initial process. You are then required to complete the signs & symptoms form annually throughout your time in the program.
Do I need to complete the meningococcal requirement?
The Meningococcal vaccine is not required for compliance, however, it is a requirement for the university if you are 21 or younger OR if you will be living in university housing. This document would be uploaded to your portal on Drexel One.
I received a rejection for the Hep B requirement but I cannot provide documentation of my Hep B vaccination series from the past. Can I just submit the lab report which shows immunity?
Yes, as long as your titer is positive, we will be able to override the rejection.
Are titers required if I have already completed the vaccination series?
Yes. Titers are required for Hep B, MMR, and Varicella. Titers must be positive.
Where can I take a CPR course?
CNHP requires that CPR course completion cards must be issued by an AHA Training Center after completion of the American Heart Association’s Basic Life Support (BLS) course (formerly known as BLS for Healthcare Providers). Please check the American Heart Association’s website for course availability. For your convenience, Drexel University's Department of EMS is an authorized AHA training center and you can register for classes or search upcoming training events on its AHA Training website.
Why can't I access my BioRAFT or HIPAA trainings?
You will not be able to access the BioRAFT or HIPAA trainings until you have an active Drexel email account. This includes students who are readmits or on a leave of absence.
If I begin the compliance process, but have to delay my clinical/practicum to a later quarter, will I have to resubmit all compliance documentation?
This is program specific. Please contact your Compliance Coordinator for more information.
What if I don’t submit one of my compliance documents by the due date?
All documents need to be received by the dates outlined in order to begin clinical for that particular term.
How do I know if my documents have been successfully submitted?
You will be able to view the uploaded document in your certified profile. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all documents are uploaded correctly and by the outlined deadlines.
Does Drexel have a medical marijuana policy?
Drexel recognizes that medical marijuana is legal in the state of Pennsylvania and others. However, marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule 1 drug under federal law. As a result, any positive test for this drug will not be overturned by third party testing medical review officers, even if a medical marijuana card is presented. Any questions, please contact cnhpcompliance@drexel.edu.
Do I have to pay for the PA Child Abuse Clearance?
Volunteer searches are free once every 57 months. If you have had a search completed free of charge in the past 57 months, you must include payment to process your request. Please see the release form for current cost and methods of payment accepted.