Clinical Compliance

Getting Started

Welcome to the Clinical Compliance Website. On this site you will find information regarding a variety of immunizations, background checks, certifications, forms, and trainings that you may need to complete for your compliance requirements. For individuals who are attending a clinical rotation, the typical compliance package would include background and urine drug screenings, a physical examination and completion of identified immunizations, completion of training modules and required documentation. Some of these steps may take time to complete, such as the Hepatitis B vaccine series, which can take up to seven months if the individual has not started this series. Please plan accordingly.

PLEASE NOTE: Students are required to have current comprehensive medical insurance coverage while in clinical coursework.
Any student who is enrolling within the University health plan must be sure to enroll before the start of the clinical term. For students who are part time and need to be insured, please contact the University health insurance office to be enrolled. Coverage must be in place at the start of the clinical term. If you do not have comprehensive health insurance, you will not be cleared for the clinical term.

Students in a CNHP program with a clinical component should know that any vaccine exemption may impact their progression in the program as the vaccine may be required by clinical/practicum sites.

In the left-hand menu, you will find the navigation links for this website. Each of these links has been broken down to specifically address the steps of the process and allow for accessibility of information. If you are not sure about anything listed on the site, please reach out to and request additional information. Please be sure to specify the program for which you are requesting additional information.

COVID Vaccine Update

Students in the College of Nursing and Health Professions must also be vaccinated for clinical placements, which includes the initial vaccines and the booster vaccine.

Please refer to the university site for all the current information on COVID and vaccines

Students in a CNHP program with a clinical component should know any exemption may impact their progression in the program as the vaccine may be required by clinical/practicum sites. Any questions, please reach out to

Program Specific Requirements

Each program has specific compliance requirements as well as due dates. This information is subject to change depending on demands of our clinical sites. Your compliance coordinator will provide you with a full list of requirements and instructions once it is time to begin the process. A list of our compliance coordinators and the programs that they manage can be found on our contact us page. Health Sciences and Food and Hospitality students do not have any compliance requirements.

Graduate Online Nursing

At this time, CNHP is authorized to enroll online graduate nursing students in much of the United States. However, due to varying state laws and regulations, there are states in which CNHP does not offer online nursing programs. Residents of these states may not able to participate in the nursing programs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to visit the or email at to find out whether their program of interest is available in their home state. Please check back often, regarding authorization in all 50 states. Residents outside of the U.S. are not able to participate in CNHP nursing online learning programs.

For current graduate nursing students, individual state restrictions may not allow students to attend clinical or be enrolled in a Drexel University CNHP program from an out-of-state institution. If a student moves their home residence to another state they must be familiar with the current state restrictions their program by visiting or emailing Relocating to another state may affect the student’s ability to complete clinical requirements and/or to complete the graduate nursing program at Drexel University.

It is the responsibility of the student to verify with the State Board of Nursing in each state they hold a license to confirm if a multistate license or single state license is required for completion of their clinical rotations.

Important Note: If you are considering an online program that leads to a professional license in a state other than Pennsylvania, we highly recommend that you contact the appropriate licensing agency in your state to seek information and additional guidance before beginning the program.

Information About Background Record Checks, Child Abuse Clearances, and Drug Tests

Screenings completed via CastleBranch include the following:

  • State Criminal Background Check
    When creating your CastleBranch profile you will be prompted to enter identifying information so that a State Criminal Background Check can be completed. The results of the background check will be sent directly to CastleBranch for processing.
  • FBI Background Check (fingerprinting)
    Step-by-step instructions for completing fingerprinting will be included in your CastleBranch profile. The results of the fingerprints will be mailed to you. Once results are received, you must upload a copy of your results to your CastleBranch profile for processing.
  • State Child Abuse Clearance
    Step-by-step instructions for completing State Child Abuse History Clearance Applications will be included in your CastleBranch profile. Once results are received, you must upload a copy of this result to your CastleBranch profile for processing.
  • Drug Test (package includes urine testing; may at times include blood, this is student paid)
    Within 24-48 hours of creating your CastleBranch profile, an electronic Chain of Custody form (echain) will be placed directly into your profile. The echain will explain where you need to go to complete your drug test. The results of the drug test will be sent directly to CastleBranch for processing. To see the CNHP Substance Use Guidelines, go here.

    Drexel recognizes that medical marijuana is legal in the state of Pennsylvania and others. However, marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule 1 drug under federal law. As a result, any positive test for this drug will not be overturned by third party testing medical review officers, even if a medical marijuana card is presented. Any questions, please contact

Please Note:

Students are required to have current comprehensive medical insurance coverage while in clinical coursework.

Individuals are responsible for keeping track of their compliance records and ensuring all information is up to date and correct. Updated documents must be submitted in a timely manner before they expire. If any item is expired, it may impact the individual’s ability to continue on with the clinical component of their program.

The Compliance Forms link contains the documents that may be necessary for completion of the compliance process. The health information forms can be downloaded and completed by the individual’s healthcare provider.

The Certifications link shows the various requirements such as CPR that are program specific.

The Training Modules link presents information regarding HIPAA, BioRAFT, and Research (CITI) training.

The FAQs link lists the answers to frequently asked questions and will offer you common links.

The Contact Us link provides contact information to reach the compliance team, as well as a phone number to reach CastleBranch.

Guidelines for Success:

Download and print the checklist that provides the due dates for your compliance requirements. If requested, initiate the CastleBranch profile and begin to upload your completed documents and training completion certificates. A video tutorial on how to create your CastleBranch profile is available here. If there is a rejection on your CastleBranch profile, please log in to your account and view the specific instructions to assist you with how to correct the rejection. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to CastleBranch first. Ask questions early and often if you find you are having a problem. Your questions will be answered in a timely manner - within 24 business hours during the week and 48 hours over the weekend.

Important tip: Check your Drexel email daily, and do not let it get 'over limit'. This may cause you to miss important emails.