Get Your DragonCard

The DragonCard provides access to controlled campus buildings, including Drexel-managed parking facilities, and provides access to a Drexel Campus Dining Plan if you registered for one. This card is property of Drexel University and is governed by the rules and regulations set forth by the University. The card is not transferable and must not be given to be used by anyone other than the cardholder.

Your First DragonCard

Welcome to Drexel! Whether you are a new student, faculty, or professional staff member of our campus community, it’s exciting to receive your first DragonCard. There is no charge for an initial DragonCard for enrolled students, faculty, and professional staff; however, fees may apply for special services. There are two main steps to obtaining your DragonCard:

Step 1: Upload the photo you want printed on your DragonCard via the GET Portal or app (iOS | Android). Your photo submission will be reviewed for standards prior to printing; please allow 48 hours for this process. Upload instructions and best practices are available on the Online Photo Submission page.

Step 2: Pick up your card, or request to have your card mailed to you if eligible.

More detailed instructions are provided below in the following categories:

Students must be registered for classes to be eligible to pick up their initial DragonCard.

  • Incoming residential students
    • Fall term incoming first-year residential students will pick up their DragonCard during move-in. Residential students who do not pick up their card during move-in may pick up their card from DragonCard Services in Creese Student Center any time during Welcome Week.
    • Residential students moving in during winter, spring or summer terms will pick up their DragonCard at their residence hall during move-in.
  • Incoming first-year commuter and transfer students will receive their DragonCard during academic orientation or Welcome Week for a fall term start. For all other term starts, students can pick up cards from a DragonCard Services location.
  • Incoming graduate students can receive a DragonCard by visiting a DragonCard Services location. Please note that it is only necessary to have a DragonCard when you begin coming to campus. When you’re ready, you’ll start with Step 1, uploading a photo.
  • Incoming College of Medicine (including West Reading Campus) and Thomas R. Kline School of Law students will pick up their DragonCard during their school/college New Student Orientation.
  • College of Nursing and Health Professions (CNHP) NP remote students with a clinical rotation may request to receive a DragonCard via USPS instead of picking up in-person.
    1. Verify your mailing address is correct in your DrexelOne profile and update if needed by following instructions on the Drexel Central website.
    2. Upload your photo, ensuring strict compliance to the photo guidelines including any additional guidelines CNHP may have provided.
    3. Await your card’s arrival via USPS.
    4. Confirm you received your DragonCard by following the instructions provided with the card.
      DragonCards for students with clinicals are mailed to the mailing address in the student’s DrexelOne profile prior to the student’s first rotation; a $5 service fee applies. Alternatively, clinical students may obtain their initial DragonCard sooner, any time after their matriculation, by visiting DragonCard Services in-person.
  • Remote students may pick up their DragonCard any time after their matriculation from a DragonCard Services location, or they may request to receive a DragonCard via USPS (service fee applies). Please note that it is not required that you have a DragonCard until you begin coming to campus. To request a DragonCard be mailed via USPS, please visit the GET Portal, click on “Order – Start an Order,” then “DragonCard Mail my Card.” You’ll complete your order and pay in the app. A $5 service fee applies.

Summer Interns and Orientation Programs

Summer interns associated with summer conference housing will receive a “Summer Conference Card” in lieu of a DragonCard and do not need to request a card. For more information, please contact Drexel Conference Services at

For all other orientation or academic program bulk card request, a department coordinator should complete the Bulk Distribution Request Form (Drexel credentials required).

Drexel University, Drexel University College of Medicine, and the Academy of Natural Sciences employees are eligible for a DragonCard after new-hire paperwork is completed by Human Resources; please allow 48 hours after completion before attempting to pick up your initial DragonCard at a service location.

Employees may upload the photo they want to use on their card, or they may elect to have their photo taken at a DragonCard Services location.

Remote employees may request to receive a DragonCard via USPS (service fee applies). Please note that it is only necessary to have a DragonCard when you begin coming to campus, and it's often unnecessary for remote employees to request one.

To request a non-photo DragonCard be mailed via USPS, please visit the GET Portal, click on “Order – Start an Order,” then “DragonCard Mail my Card.” You’ll complete your order and pay in the app. A $5 service fee applies.

All licensed, certified, or registered health care practitioners engaged in the direct provision of care to patients must, by law, wear a readily visible name badge when providing care. A Healthcare DragonCard (a version of the DragonCard that displays your clinical title) is available for students, faculty, or staff working or studying in a clinical setting with direct access to patients.

Contractor and other University-affiliated personnel who require identification and/or access to university buildings while conducting business on a Drexel University campus may request a DragonCard. A $20 service fee applies and will be collected upon pick-up.

The Non-Employee DragonCard fee and request process applies to:

  • Contracted employees through a master University contract
  • Ad-hoc contractors
  • Non-Employee Associates (NEAs), including temporary employees, visiting faculty, visiting researchers, staff volunteers
  • Interns and Co-ops

To request a non-employee DragonCard, new-hire paperwork must be completed by Human Resources first. Please allow 48 hours after completion before following these instructions to request a DragonCard.

  1. Submit the Non-Employee Associate Form [PDF] to HRIS using directions provided on that form. Do not send the NEA form to DragonCard Services.
  2. Complete the DragonCard Request form.

Lost DragonCards

We know it can be a stressful time when you lose your ID. Here are a few resources to help you acquire a replacement or temporary card:

  1. Report and deactivate a lost DragonCard immediately. You can do this through the GET Portal or in-person at DragonCard Services.
  2. Request a replacement card (a $20 fee applies), or a temporary card.

For more information, visit the Lost Cards and Replacements webpage.

Expired DragonCards

If the expiration date on your DragonCard is past due, please visit a DragonCard Services location to receive a new validation sticker. The validation date does not affect your building access; it is used only to verify your affiliation when displaying your card on and off campus. Please note, you must be registered for courses for the current term or be an active employee to receive a new validation sticker.

Contact Us

  • For DragonCard Services inquiries, complete our simple inquiry form.
  • Customer Service Response Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET
  • Visit AskDrexel to view answers to frequently asked questions or to submit your own.

Office Hours and Location

Manage Your Card and Add Funds

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Use the GET portal or GET mobile app to manage your DragonCard, add DragonDollars to your Campus Dining Plan, report a lost card, and more.