No. You must have senior class status to be eligible to work on a senior design project. This means you must have accumulated a minimum of 130 credits, regardless of whether you are in the four-year or the five-year program.
Pre-proposals for all senior design projects are due no later than the date that will be announced.
No. The "Senior Design Center" is to be used as a tool to aid in finding team members and/ or project ideas. Each individual student is responsible for forming his / her own team.
There is a committee of Biomed faculty that will review the pre-proposals. Students will be notified within 48 hours if there is any problem. If there is a problem with the pre-proposal, students will have two weeks to sort it out.
The main criterion is that the project has a clearly stated 'deliverable'. By that we mean that the students can not just work on a larger research project in the lab and make 'progress' towards someone's work.
The deliverable can be:
- a specific piece of data that answers a well defined question
- a 'box' that does something
- a software program that does something
We have no intention of rejecting any projects but it may happen that we request more information and ask students to better define their project. The students will have a couple of weeks to supply that information. They then submit a complete proposal with details on how they will accomplish their project toward the end of fall term (see schedule for specific dates). Our only concern is that the project is not trivial and is doable in the short time frame allowed for these projects.
The pre-proposal should state the problem (~ 2 sentences). The pre-proposal should have at least one sentence that defines what you will make as well as your proposed approach.
Yes. Like ECE, the slide presentation should only be 5 slides; 2 of the 5 slides should address your budget and prototype.
Your deliverable is your prototype and every project must have a deliverable.
Yes. Each group must submit a budget in the proposal that gives the cost of completing their project this term and an explanation of how they are going to fund it.