Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab

Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab (OBL)

Research at the Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory focuses on developing novel biomedical engineering methods and advanced computational modeling tools to address the burden of debilitating pediatric skeletal deformities, traumatic injuries and orthopedic conditions. Our research findings in these under-studied areas have tremendous potential to impact the current practices in pediatric orthopedics and automotive child safety, and also provide the data and methods needed to guide future innovations. Our research focuses on these areas:

  • Pediatric Spine and Rib Cage Deformities
  • Child Injury Prevention Through Human Sled Experiments
  • Pediatric Bone Biomechanics


Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory  

Sri Balasubramanian

Principal Investigator

Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD

Associate Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Office: Bossone 713
Phone: 215.571.3738
Email: sri.bala@drexel.edu

Research Interests

Orthopedic biomechanics, Pediatric spine and rib cage deformities, Scoliosis, Computational modeling, Pediatric long bones, Animal models, Injury biomechanics, Spinal kinetics and kinematics, and Knee kinematics.

  • In The News

    • Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD, places motion capture markers on undergraduate Evan Bisirri

      Media Watch: What Happens to Your Body Before a Car Crash?

      April 10, 2017

      Full Story