Cellular Biomechanics Lab

Students Working at the Cellular Biomechanics Lab

We study the role of Mechanics and Transport processes in cellular physiology using a combination of mathematical modeling and experimental techniques such as fluorescence microscopy, atomic force microscopy, microelectrode measurements of nitric oxide, and a variety of custom-designed devices for mechanically stimulating cells. Our research focuses on these areas:

  • Cellular mechanics of Neural Trauma and Repair
  • Multiscale Mechanics and Transport in Endothelial Flow Responses
  • Mechanics of Cell Adhesion and Migration in Cancer Metastisis


Cellular Biomechanics Laboratory  

Kenneth A Barbee, PhD

Principal Investigator

Kenneth Barbee, PhD

Professor, Senior Associate Dean, and Associate Dean for Research
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Office: Bossone 714
Phone: 215.895.1335
Email: barbee@drexel.edu

Research Interests

Cellular biomechanics of neural and vascular injury, mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular system, mechanical control of growth and development for wound healing and tissue engineering