Equipment List

TECAN Infinite M200

Elisa Plate reader for Fluorescence, UV, Vis, Spectral analysis of multiwall plate format for 6 to 384 well, & cuvettes. OD range 200 to 1,000 and Fluorescence Excitation 230-850 and Emmission 280 to 850. DNA/RNA NanoQuant plate measurements.

Malvern Zetasizer

For the measurement of particle and molecule size from below a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering.

Thermo Genesys 10S UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Spectrophotometer for measuring UV/VIS of samples aqueous, or low percentage organics in cuvettes.

Leica DM4000B Fluorescence Microscope

Brightfield & Fluorescence imaging of cells, particles, tissue samples on slides or low height multiwall plates.

Leica DM4000B Brightfield/Darkfield Microscope

For measurement of samples on slides for color or darkfield analysis. Adapted for measurement of samples embedded for viewing of bone and cartilage using darkfield lenses.

Tuttnauer 3870 Autoclave

Used to sterilize a wide variety of surgical and research materials.

Leica CM 1850 UV Cryo Microtome

Micro-sectioning of embedded tissue samples for analysis of proteins & structures through immune staining and visible protein staining.

BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer

Laser based measurement of chemical and physical status of cells through counting, sorting, biomarkers and protein engineering. 4 Color optical filters for measurement of FITC/GFP, PE/PI, PerCP, PerCP-Cy, PE-Cy7, APC

Protein Simple FluorChem E Digital Darkroom

To analyze Western Blotting of proteins, DNA, RNA blots, Chemiluminescent, UV, and Colorimetric analysis.

Labconco FreeZone Lyophilizer

For freeze-drying of biomaterials, proteins, and research polymers of chemicals.
*Request samples to be processed by BIOMED Lab Manager.

AMG EVOS All-In-One digital inverted microscope

Brightfield, Phase Contrast, Fluorescence, Q-Dot analysis of cells and tissue preparations.

BOSE Electroforce 3200

Tabletop load frame rated up to 225 N (50 lbs) for static and dynamic testing of biological tissues and biocompatible materials in Tension or Compressions. Extensometer accessory enables 2-D measurement of material distortion under load. Water bath accessory enables testing of samples at controlled temperatures.

Waters HPLC & Fraction Collector

Breeze 2 High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Ion Exclusion, Ion Exchange, Reverse Phase, Size Exclusion.

Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC

Thermogravimetric Analyzer/ Differential Scanning Calorimeter used for material characterization of polymers and bio materials.

Brookfield CAP 2000+ High Temp Viscometer

Material Characterization for: Viscometer measurement of small sample size (10-100ul)

Rheo Systems ATS-0001 Rehometer

Material Characterization for: Measuring rheological character of materials from Water to firm polymers.

MTS 858 Mini Bionx II

Hydraulic load frame for static or dynamic testing of high strength materials including bone, metal, plastic, collagen, tendons under tension, compression, and bending.

Leica Systems Live Imaging Microscope

For imaging cells for phase contrast and fluorescence under growth conditions including temperature control for 37 degrees C, CO2 chamber, mounted on vibration free bench.'
*Possible use and training must be approved by Dr. Adrian C Shieh