Highlights of Dr. Kara Spiller’s Global Reach in Recent Years

November 20, 2023

Kara Spiller•    Dr. Kara Spiller served as a PhD dissertation committee member Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2023)
•    Erin O’Brien, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, won a fellowship from the Institute of International Education (IIE) to conduct research at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for 4 months (2022)
•    Emily Valentine, BS/MS student in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, conducted research for 3 months at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for 3 months (2022)
•    Ricardo Whitaker, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, attended the prestigious Keystone Symposium on regenerative medicine in Banff, Canada
•    Dr. Kara Spiller gave an invited talk at the University of Aveiro, Portugal (2022)
•    Dr. Kara Spiller gave an invited talk at the 8th Biomaterials Day symposium of Bogazici University, Turkey (2021)
•    Dr. Kara Spiller gave an invited talk at the 12th Berlin-Brandenburg School of Regenerative Therapies, Berlin, Germany (2021)
•    Dr. Kara Spiller gave an invited talk at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2021)
•    Dr. Tina Tylek won a postdoctoral Walter Benjamin fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) to conduct research in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory (2020)
•    Erin O’Brien, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, was selected as a semi-finalist for a Fulbright fellowship to Australia (2020)
•    Olivia Ngo, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, won first place for best oral presentation at the Scottish Ultrasound annual scientific meeting (2020)
•    Olivia Ngo, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, won a fellowship from the Institute of International Education (IIE) to conduct research in Scotland (2019)
•    Gregory Risser, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, won a Fulbright fellowship to conduct research at Maastricht University, the Netherlands (2019)
•    Beatriz Hernaez Estrada won an Egonlabur International Research Stay fellowship from the Basque Country Government, Spain, to conduct research in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, (2019)
•    Emily Lurier, PhD candidate in Dr. Kara Spiller’s laboratory, won a Fulbright fellowship to conduct research at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2018)
•    Dr. Kara Spiller was selected by the US State Department as the US nominee for the international ASPIRE Prize, which recognizes scientists who have demonstrated a commitment to both excellence in scientific research, as evidenced by scholarly publication, and cooperation with scientists from other APEC member economies (2018)