Drs. Kurtulus Izzetoglu, Mark Schafer, Peter Lewin, Catherine von Reyn, and Hualou Liang Are 2020-2021 Pennsylvania CURE Grant Awardees January 28, 2021 The following faculty in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems are 2020-2021 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement (CURE) Program grant awardees: Dr. Kurtulus Izzetoglu (Principal Investigator), associate professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, received $75K for the project titled, "Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring via Cerebral Hemodynamics" (Co-investigators: M.S. Green, Thomas Jefferson University; S.N. Malaeb, Drexel College of Medicine and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children; M. Izzetoglu, Villanova University; and P.A. Shewokis, Drexel College of Nursing and Health Professions). Dr. Mark E Schafer (Principal Investigator), research professor, and Dr. Peter A. Lewin (Co-investigator), Richard B. Beard Distinguished University Professor, both in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, received $75K for the project titled, "Non-Opioid Analgesic Treatment of Neuromuscular Pain" (Co-investigator: M.A. Finley, Drexel College of Nursing and Health Professions). Dr. Catherine von Reyn (Principal Investigator), assistant professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, received $75K for the project titled, "Mechanisms of Synaptic Refinement in Developing Neural Circuits" (Co-investigator: A.D. Garcia, Drexel College of Arts and Sciences). Dr. Hualou Liang (Co-investigator), professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, received $75K for the project titled, "Cortical Silence During Delta Oscillation Facilitates Memory Consolidation" (Principal Investigator: D. Wang, Drexel College of Medicine).