The ShanghaiTech 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit successfully held

December 16, 2021


On December 24, the Carnival Event of the 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit (IES) was held in the Conference Center. This year, the IES was co-organized by Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center and lasted for 3 months, including 4 startup-practice lectures, 3 different industrial innovation specialties (physical science specialty, life science specialty and information science specialty) and 1 science popularization specialty, with 114 startup projects and 75 science popularization projects. During the Carnival Event, patent license agreements were signed with 8 companies, while 6 ShanghaiTech incubated startups signed early-stage venture financing agreements, and 39 college enterprise mentors were appointed.

The university leadership was invited to attend the event. Nobel Laureates Roger D. Kornberg and Michael Levitt, Banu Onaral, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Drexel University, Jamie Mak, Director of Global Innovation Partnership Program, School of Biomedical Engineering at Drexel University, Fang Hanming, Dean of SEM at ShanghaiTech, and Amir Reza, Dean of Babson Academy for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurial Learning at Babson College respectively delivered video messages to congratulate the success of the 4th IES.

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