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Victoria Nash

Victoria Nash, PhD

Assistant Research Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University

Office: 3122-24 Market Street
Bossone Research Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104


Victoria Nash, PhD, is an Assistant Research Professor in Drexel University’s School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems. Dr. Nash's career began in industry, working for Moderna in Cambridge, MA. There, she gained valuable insight into vaccine design and pre-clinical production before returning to academia. During her studies towards her master's degree, Dr. Nash participated in the co-op program at Drexel and was fortunate enough to be the first student to do a co-op at Spark Therapeutics, working in Upstream Process Development. She deepened her knowledge in gene therapy as she worked alongside the industry experts who created the first FDA approved gene therapy to cure childhood blindness. While Dr. Nash enjoyed her work at Spark, she decided to stay in academia to complete her PhD in biomaterials and regenerative medicine, while advised by Kara Spiller, PhD. Her work now focuses on immunomodulatory biomaterials and novel applications of gene and cell therapies.


  • PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University, 2024
  • MS, Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University, 2019
  • BS, Engineering Science and Biomedical Engineering Devices, Tufts University, 2015

Research Interests

Dr. Nash is interested in combining biomaterials research with cell and gene therapies to create novel solutions to pressing healthcare problems.

Research Keywords: biomaterials, gene therapy, cell therapy, immune engineering


  • Lurier Emily B.*, Nash Victoria A.*, Abee Hannah S., Wissing Tamar B., Bouten Carlijn V.C., Smits Anthal I.P.M. and Spiller Kara L. Imparting Immunomodulatory Activity to Scaffolds via Biotin–Avidin Interactions. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering2021 7 (12), 5611-5621. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c01190. *indicates co-first author
  • Alina Talaial B., Nash Victoria A., Spiller Kara L. Effects of Biotin-Avidin Interactions on Hydrogel Swelling. Frontiers in Chemistry2020. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.593422
  • Cottler Patrick S. PhD, Kang Hannah BS, Nash Victoria MS, Salopek Lisa LVT, Bruce Anthony C. MS, Spiller Kara L. PhD, Campbell Chris A. MD, FACS. Immunomodulation of Acellular Dermal Matrix Through Interleukin 4 Enhances Vascular Infiltration. Annals of Plastic Surgery: June 2022 - Volume 88 - Issue 5 - p S466-S472 DOI: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000003163.