Dov Jaron

Dov Jaron, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Calhoun Distinguished Professor of Engineering in Medicine
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems


Dr. Dov Jaron, Calhoun Distinguished Professor of Engineering in Medicine, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems and Professor of Electrical Engineering, Drexel University, received his PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1967. From 1971 to 1973 he was Director of the Surgical Research Laboratory at Sinai Hospital of Detroit. Prior to joining Sinai Hospital he was Senior Research Associate and later Director of the Surgical Research Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center in New York. From 1973 to 1979 Dr. Jaron was on the faculty of the Electrical Engineering department and functioned as Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Rhode Island. He served as Director of the Biomedical Engineering and Science Institute at Drexel University from 1980 to 1996. From 1991 to 1993 he was on a two-year assignment to the National Science Foundation, where he was Director of the Division of Biological and Critical Systems in the Engineering Directorate. From 1996 to 1998 he was Associate Director for the National Center for Research Resources and Director of its Biomedical Technology program at the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Jaron's major research contributions have been in development of models to study cardiovascular dynamics and the interaction of mechanical cardiac assist devices with the cardiovascular system. He pioneered the application of engineering techniques to the study of the control of cardiac assist devices and led the engineering development of the intraaortic balloon pump system -- the first successful in-series left ventricular assist device to be applied clinically. By integrating engineering techniques, mathematical approaches and physiological information, his research led to an improved understanding of the control system characteristics of cardiac assist devices and to the development of improved techniques that maximize effectiveness of cardiac mechanical support systems. He has also worked extensively on modeling of gas transport in the microcirculation and on modeling, development and assessment of protection techniques for pilots subjected to high acceleration stress. Dr. Jaron's research has resulted in more than 140 articles in archival journals, conference proceedings and book chapters, and more than 60 abstracts.

In addition to his research activities, Dr. Jaron has made extensive contributions to the development of the bioengineering profession worldwide through his extensive professional activities and service with the government. As Director of the Biological and Critical Systems Division at NSF he led in the creation of the new Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems and significantly increased funding for bioengineering research. At NIH he was a major driving force within the NIH Bioengineering Consortium (BECON). His many efforts at the agency culminated in the trans-NIH symposium titled: "Bioengineering: Building The Future of Biology and Medicine" which he co-chaired. The symposium, for which he received the NIH Director's Award, has been hailed by the engineering research community and by the NIH as a watershed for the agency and for the field of Bioengineering. This and his other accomplishments at NIH helped to affirm the importance and the critical role of engineering to the solution of basic and applied research problems in biomedicine.

In 1986 and 1987 Dr. Jaron served as President of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. He was a member of the board of The American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and as a member of the Administration Council of The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). In 1997 he became president-elect of IFMBE. He assumed the presidency of the organization in July, 2000 and served in this capacity until 2003. From 2003 to 2006 he served as Vice President of the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine. In 2008 he was elected to the Executive Board of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Dr. Jaron is a Fellow of the IEEE, the AAAS, the Academy of Surgical Research, and the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. He is a permanent member of the World Academy for Biomedical Technology.

Dr. Jaron is a member of the IEEE, the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE, The ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, the New York Academy of Sciences, the Biomedical Engineering Society, the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, the International Society for Artificial Organs, the AAAS, the Aerospace Medical Association, and the Cardiovascular Dynamics Society.


  • PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Biomedical Engineering
  • BSEE, University of Denver, Electrical Engineering

Research Interests

Engineering development and optimization of cardiac assist devices, cardiovascular dynamics, cardiovascular function under stress, modeling of biological systems, mechanisms of gas transport in the mivtocirculation, biomedical instrumentation biomatrices, cell-biomaterials interactions, artificial internal organs, endothelial cell biology, hemodynamic forces, atherosclerosis, genomics, signal transduction


  • Ye, G-F, Moore, T.W., and Jaron, D.: A Compartmental Model of Oxygen Transport Derived From a Distributed Model : Treatment of Convective and Oxygen Dissociation Properties, Proceedings, 18th Ann. NE Bioeng. Conf., 18:83-84,1992.
  • Jaron, D.: Biomedical Engineering Education - A Perspective, Proc. Int. Biomedical Eng. Days, Turkey, 1992.
  • Jaron, D.: A Problem Ignored, ASEE Prism, October, 1992, p. 56.
  • Moore T. W., Jaron D., Hrebien L., and Bender D.: A Mathematical Model of G Time - Tolerance. J. Aviation, Space and Environ. Medicine 64:947-951, 1993
  • Ye, Guo-Fan, Moore, T.W. and Jaron, D.: Contributions of Oxygen Dissociation and Convection To The Behavior of a Compartmental Oxygen Transport Model. Microvascular. Res., 46: 1-18, 1993
  • Ye, Guo-Fan, Moore, T. W., Buerk, D. G. & Jaron, D.,: Extension of a multielement compartmental model for O2-CO2 transport to time-varying applications. Proc.15th Annual Int. IEEE/EMBS Conf. 18:557, 1993.
  • Naim, K. L., Santamore, W. P., Moore T. W., & Jaron, D.,: A New Multicompartmental Model of the Left Ventricle. Proc., 15th Annual Int. IEEE/EMBS Conf. 18:881-882, 1993.
  • Barnea, O., Jaron, D., and Santamore, W.,: A Theoretical Study on Autoregulation in the Stenosed Coronary Circulation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 1994.
  • Ye, Guo-Fan, Moore, T. W., Buerk, D. G., and Jaron, D.,: A Compartmental Model for Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Coupled Transport in the Microcirculation. Ann. of Biomed. Engrg., 22(5):464-479, 1994.
  • Jaron, D.,: Biomedical Engineering--Evolution or Metamorphosis? Proc. of the Inter. Conf. Med. Phy. & Biomed. Engrg., Cyprus, 2:478-479, 1994.
  • Jaron, D., Katona, P.,: Mechanisms to Enhance University/Industry Interaction in Biomedical Engineering. Ann. of Biomed. Engrg., 22, (4): 339-341, 1994.
  • Jaron, D., Katona, P.,: Cost Effective Health Care Technologies. The Role of Technology in the Cost of Health Care; Proc. Soc. of Photo-Optical Instr. Eng, 1994.
  • Ye, Guo-Fan; Jaron, D.,: Regional Delivery of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Microcirculation. Proc. l6th Ann. Int. IEEE/EMBS Conf., pp. 1166-1168, 1994.
  • Naim, K. L.; Santamore, W. P.; Jaron, D.,: A Computer Simulation of the Dynamic Interaction Between Regional Coronary Flow and LV Mechanics. Proc. l6th Ann. Int. IEEE/EMBS Conf., pp 97-98, l994.
  • Ye, Guo-Fan; Buerk, D. G.; Jaron, D.,: Arteriolar Contribution to Microcirculatory Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Exchange. Microvascular Research, 50(6):338-359, 1995.
  • Ye, G. F.; Shi, W.; Jaron, D.,: Equal Oxygen Delivery May Not Result in Equal Oxygen Consumption, Proc. 23rd Annual Conf., Internat. Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Pittsburgh, PA, 1995, p.55.
  • Ye, G. F.; Buerk, D. G.; Ye, Lei; Jaron, D.,: Influence of O2-Hb Kinetics and Fåhræus Effect on the Arteriolar Role in Gas Exchange, Proc. 23rd Annual Conf., Internat. Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Pittsburgh, PA, 1995, p.42. Also in Oxygen Transport to Tissues XVIII, Plenum Press, pp 203-207, 1997
  • Ye, G. F.; Buerk, D. G.; Ye, Lei; Jaron, D.,: Interaction Between O2-Hb Kinetics and the Fåhræus Effect, 1995 IEEE-EMBS and CMBEC, pp. 1507-08, 1995.
  • Ye, G.F., Jaron, D., Buerk, D. Chou, M.C. and Shi, W.,: O2-Hb Reaction Kinetics and the Fåhræus Effect During Stagnant, Hypoxic, and Anemic Supply Deficit. Ann Biomed. Eng. 26:60-75, 1998
  • Ye, G.F., Park, J.W., Basude, R., Buerk, D., and Jaron, D.,: Incorporating O2-Hb Reaction Kinetics and the Fåhræus Effect Into a Microcirculatory O2-CO2 Transport Model. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 45:26-35, 1998.
  • Jaron D., Biomedical Engineering in the New Millennium, IEEE-EMBS Asia Pacific Conference 9, 2000 (published in CD form)
  • Lamkin-Kennard K., Jaron D. Buerk G.D.: Modeling the Regulation of Oxygen Consumption by Nitric Oxide, (also abs.) 2001 Conference of the International Society on Oxygen Transport in Tissue (in press)
  • Lamkin-Kennard, K., Buerk, D.G., Barbee, K., Wootton, D., and Jaron, D. Modeling effects of nitric oxide on oxygen consumption in the microcirculation. 2002 Northeast Bioengineering Conference 2002, 31-32.
  • Lamkin-Kennard, K., Jaron, D. and D.G. Buerk. Modeling the regulation of oxygen consumption by nitric oxide. In: Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXIX, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Ed: D. Wilson, Kluwer Publications/Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., pp. 145-150, 2003
  • Buerk, D.G., Lamkin-Kennard, K. and D. Jaron. Modeling effects of nitric oxide on vascular and perivascular oxygen metabolism. Ann Biomed Eng., 29 (Suppl. 1):S12, 2001
  • D. Jaron Activities of IFMBE and Future of Biomedical Engineering, NAUKA (Journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences) 2001 (3) pp. 165-171.
  • Nagel J.H., Barbanel J. Saranummi N., and Jaron D.: Accreditation of Biomedical Engineering Programs in Europe. Proceedings of the ASEE?SEFI/TUB Colloquium, 2001
  • Jaron D. The Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biomedical Research and Industrial Development Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Medical Equipment Technology, 2002 pp. 17-26
  • Buerk, D.G., Lamkin-Kennard, K., and Jaron D.: Modeling the Influence of Superoxide Dismutase on Superoxide and Nitric Oxide Interactions including Reversible Inhibition of Oxygen Consumption. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 34: 1488-1503, 2003
  • Lamkin-Kennard, K., Jaron, D., and D.G. Buerk. Impact of the F�hraeus effect on NO and O2 biotransport: A computer model. Microcirculation, 11: 337-349, 2004.
  • Lamkin-Kennard, K., Buerk, D.G., and D. Jaron. Interactions between NO and O2 in the microcirculation: A mathematical analysis, Microvascular Research 68(1), 38-50, 2004
  • Chen X., Buerk B. D., Barbee K. A. and Jaron D. A Model of NO/O2 Transport in Capillary-perfused Tissue Containing an Arteriole and Venule Pair EMBS Proceedings 2005 (CD only)
  • Hong D., Barbee K.A.1 Buerk D.G. and Jaron D. Microelectrode measurements of NO release from endothelial cells in response to shear stress and ATP EMBS Proceedings 2005 (CD only)
  • Jaron D., Chen X., Barbee K. A. and Buerk D. G. The Presence of Red Blood Cells in the Plasma Layer Influences Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Transport. EMBEC Proceedings 2005 (CD only)
  • Chen X., Jaron D., Barbee K.A. and Buerk D. G. The influence of radial RBC distribution, blood velocity profiles, and glycocalyx on coupled NO/O2 transport J. Applied Physiol, 100(2):482-92. 2006
  • Vukosavljevic N., Jaron D., Barbee K. A., and Buerk D. G. Quantifying the L-arginine paradox in vivo Microvascular Research, 71(1): 48-54, 2006
  • Hong D, Jaron D. , Buerk D.G., and. Barbee K.A. Heterogeneous Response of Microvascular Endothelial Cells to Shear Stress Amer. J. Physiology 290(6):H2498-508, 2006
  • Chen X., Buerk, D.G., Barbee K.A., and Jaron D. A Model of NO/O2 Transport in Capillary-perfused Tissue Containing an Arteriole and Venule Pair. Ann. Biomedical Engineering 35(4), 517-529, 2007
  • Hong, D., Jaron, D., Buerk, D., Barbee, K. Transport dependent calcium signaling in spatially segregated cellular caveolar domains. AJP: Cell Physiology 294: C856 - C866, 2008
  • Fadel, A.A., Barbee, K.A., and Jaron, D. A Computational model of Nitric Oxide transport in a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 37(5):, 943-, 2009 (doi:10.1007/s10439-009-9658-5).
  • Allison M. Andrews, Dov Jaron, Donald G. Buerk, Patrick L. Kirby, Kenneth A. Barbee Direct, real-time measurement of shear stress-induced nitric oxide produced in endothelial cells in vitro. Nitric Oxide 23(4): 335-342, 2010
  • Xuwen Chen, Donald G. Buerk, Kenneth A. Barbee, Patrick Kirby and Dov Jaron 3-D Netwrok Model of NO Transport in Tissue. Medicxal and Biological Engineering and Computing. 49(6): 633-647, 2011
  • Donald G. Buerk, Kenneth A. Barbee, Dov Jaron Nitric Oxide Signaling in the Microcirculation. CRC Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 2011 (in press)