Joseph J. Sarver

Joseph J. Sarver, PhD

Teaching Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems

Office: Bossone 704
Phone: 215.895.2219


Dr. Joseph "J" Sarver joined the Drexel School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems' faculty in 2012, and has been a member of the McKay Orthopaedic Laboratory at the University of Pennsylavania since the fall of 2001, as a post-doctoral fellow, under the guidance of Dr. Dawn M. Elliott. While working with Dr. Elliott, he studied the intervertebral discs of mice as an animal model to study degeneration. In addition, he worked with several undergraduate students, Drexel Co-ops and senior design, to complete a planar biaxial mechanical testing machine for use in testing soft tissue

In 2003, Dr. Sarver began working with Dr. Louis J. Soslwosky as a research Research Associate. During that time he worked on several projects including the 'REMO' project, looking at the effect of remobilization following rotator cuff repair in an animal model, as well as, non-contact intra-tendinous strain using texture tracking with MRI.

In 2006, Dr. Sarver became a Senior Research Investigator with Dr. Soslowsky, and spear-headed several new collaborative research areas including using US to examine tendon structure (in collaboration with Dr. Seghal in the ultrasound lab at Penn), as well as double-quantum-filtered (DQF) nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) in collaboration with Dr. Wehrli in the laboratory for structural NMR Imaging ( . Dr. Sarver also collaborated with Sam Ward in () UCSD looking at the changes in muscle following tendon detachment in the rat model.

Dr. Sarver's doctoral work focused on neuromuscular adaptation to exercise induced fatigue and developing technologies for quantifying fatigue. In particular, Dr. Sarver's study determined that mechanical signals of force-tremor and vibromyography reduced significantly following exhaustive flexor exercise about the elbow. In addition, Dr. Sarver developed a population-based mathematical model which explained that these mechanical changes were due to a slowing in excitation/contraction coupling, as well as an increase in neurological excitation.

Dr. Sarver's masters work was done at Shriners Hospital for Children of Philadelphia, where he examined shoulder motion in children with C4 level spinal cord injuries. J's study determined that the range of shoulder motion in this group was sufficient for use with the current 'hand-grasp' functional-electrical-stimulation system developed at Case Western Reserve University, FES Center.


  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University 1994
  • M.S. Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University 1997
  • Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University 2001
  • Post-Doc Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania 2003

Research Interests

Neuromuscular adaptation to changes in the myo-mechanical environment



  • Hsu JE, Reuther KE, Sarver JJ, Lee CS, Thomas SJ, Glaser DL, Soslowsky LJ. "Restoration of anterior-posterior rotator cuff force balance improves shoulder function in a rat model of chronic massive tears." J Orthop Res. 2011 Feb
  • Ward SR, Sarver JJ, Eng CM, Kwan A, Weurgler-Hauri CC, Perry SM, Williams GR, Soslowsky LJ, Lieber RL, "Plasticity of Muscle Architecture After Acute Supraspinatus Tear" J Occup Sports Therapy, 2010 Nov;40(11):729-35.
  • Peltz CD, Sarver JJ, Dourte LM, Würgler-Hauri CC, Williams GR, Soslowsky LJ. "Exercise following a short immobilization period is detrimental to tendon properties and joint mechanics in a rat rotator cuff injury model." J Orthop Res. 2010 Jan 7.
  • Sarver JJ, Dishowitz MI, Kim SY, Soslowsky LJ. "Transient decreases in forelimb gait and ground reaction forces following rotator cuff injury and repair in a rat model." J Biomech. 2009 Nov 18.
  • Peltz CD, Dourte LM, Kuntz AF, Sarver JJ, Kim SY, Williams GR, Soslowsky LJ, "The effect of postoperative passive motion on rotator cuff healing in a rat model." J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009 Oct;91(10):2421-9.
  • Sarver JJ, Peltz CD, Doute LA, Reddy S, Williams GR, Soslowsky JS, "The increase in stiffness but not the loss in range of motion following rotator cuff repair increased transiently for immobilized shoulders in a rat model." J Should Elbow Surg. 2008 Jan-Feb;17(1 Suppl):108S-113S.
  • Sarver JJ, Elliott DM. "Mechanical differences between lumbar and tail discs in the mouse." J Orthop Res. 2005 Jan;23(1):150-5.
  • Gimbel JA, Sarver JJ, Soslowsky LJ. "The effect of overshooting the target strain on estimating viscoelastic properties from stress relaxation experiments." J Biomech Eng. 2004 Dec;126(6):844-8.
  • Sarver JJ, Elliott DM. "Altered disc mechanics in mice genetically engineered for reduced type I collagen." Spine. 2004 May 15;29(10):1094-8.
  • Elliott DM, Sarver JJ. "Young investigator award winner: validation of the mouse and rat disc as mechanical models of the human lumbar disc." Spine. 2004 Apr 16;29(7):713-22.
  • Sarver JJ, Robinson PS, Elliott DM. "Methods for quasi-linear viscoelastic modeling of soft tissue: application to incremental stress-relaxation experiments." J Biomech Eng. 2003 Oct;125(5):754-8.
  • Elliott DM, Robinson PS, Gimbel JA, Sarver JJ, Abboud JA, Iozzo RV, Soslowsky LJ. "Effect of altered matrix proteins on quasilinear viscoelastic properties in transgenic mouse tail tendons." Ann Biomed Eng. 2003 May;31(5):599-605.
  • Sarver JJ; Seliktar R; "Study of the vibromyographic signal as a means for quantifying muscular effort." Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal: 18(1), 33-36, 2000.
  • Sarver JJ, Smith BT, Seliktar R, Mulcahey MJ, Betz RR. "A study of shoulder motions as a control source for adolescents with C4 level SCI." IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 1999 Mar;7(1):27-34.
  • Sarver JJ; Smith, BT; Seliktar, R; Mulcahey, MJ; Betz, RR; "A study of shoulder motions as a control source for adolescents with C4 level SCI." IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering: 7 (1), 27-34, March 1999.

Conference Papers

  • Thomas SJ; Sarver JJ; Tucker J; Reuther K; Edelstein L; Ilkhani-Pou S; Gray CF; Lee CS; Glaser DL; Soslowsky LJ; "The effect of return to overuse after a supraspinatus tear on joint function and biceps mechanical properties in a rat model." Proceedings of the ASME Southern Bioengineering Conference 2011.
  • Hsu, Jason E.; Reuther, Katherine E.; Sarver, Joseph J.; Lee, Chang Soo; Thomas, Stephen J.; Glaser, David L.; Soslowsky, Louis J. "Restoration of Anterior-Posterior Rotator Cuff Force Balance Improves Shoulder Function in a Rat Model of Chronic Massive Tears" Transactions Vol. 36, Long Beach, CA, 2011 [0012]
  • Reuther, Katherine E.; Sarver, Joseph J.; Trasolini, Nicholas A.; Thomas, Stephen J.; Schultz, Susan M.; Sehgal, Chandra M.; Lee, Chang Soo; Glaser, David L.; Soslowsky, Louis J. "Glenoid Cartilage Thickness Decreases after Rotator Cuff Tendon Tears in a Rat Model." Transactions Vol. 36, Long Beach, CA, 2011 [0209]
  • Henry H. Ong, Joseph J. Sarver, Jason E. Hsu, Louis J. Soslowsky, and Felix W. Wehrli, "Detection of dipolar splitting in rodent tendons as a function axial position with double-quantum filtered spectroscopic imaging", Proceedings of the 18th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010 [].
  • Sarver, Joseph; Dishowitz, Michael; Zhu, Willis; Cohen, Eric; Soslowsky, Louis. "Functional Measures of Ambulatory Stride and Ground Reaction Force in a Rat Rotator Cuff Repair Model." Transactions of the ORS Vol.34, Las Vegas, NV, 2009 [1901]
  • Peltz, Cathryn; Dourte, LeAnn; Kuntz, Andrew; Sarver, Joseph; Williams, Gerald; Soslowsky, Louis. "Following Moderate Immobilization, Tendon Properties and Joint Mechanics Are Not Altered With Exercise." Transactions of the ORS Vol.34, Las Vegas, NV, 2009 [1896]
  • Peltz, Cathryn; Dourte, LeAnn; Kuntz, Andrew; Sarver, Joseph; Williams, Gerald; Soslowsky, Louis. "Range of Motion Loss Is Transient Following Six Weeks of Immobilization in a Rat Model of Rotator Cuff Repair." Transactions of the ORS Vol.34, Las Vegas, NV, 2009 [1895]
  • Sarver JJ, Peltz CD, Dourte L, Williams GR, Kadlowec J, Soslowsky LJ. "A Novel Elastic Model Indicates Decreased Organization and Mechanics of Rotator Cuff Repair Due to Exercise Following Immobilization." ISLT 8th annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2008
  • Peltz, C. D.; Dourte, L. M.; Sarver, J. J.; Kim, S. Y.; Williams, G. R.; Soslowsky, L. J. "Exercise Following Immobilization Is Detrimental to Tendon Properties and Joint Mechanics in a Rat Rotator Cuff Injury Model." Transactions of the ORS Vol.33, San Francisco, CA, 2008 [1504]
  • Dishowitz, Michael I.; Sarver, Joseph J.; Kim, Soung-Yon; Soslowsky, Louis J. "Shoulder Function During Ambulation Recovers Following Rotator Cuff Repair in a Rat Model." Transactions of the ORS Vol.33, San Francisco, CA, 2008 [1501]
  • Peltz, C. D.; Dourte, L. M.; Sarver, J. J.; Kim, S. Y.; Williams, G. R.; Soslowsky, L. J. - "Immobilization with Daily Passive Motion Causes Detrimental Changes in Shoulder Joint Mechanics in a Rat Model of Rotator Cuff Injury and Repair." Transactions of the ORS Vol.33, San Francisco, CA, 2008 [0251]
  • Sarver JJ; Wuergler-Hauri CC, Ward S, Williams GR, Lieber RL, Soslowsky LJ; "Loss in serial sarcomeres following cuff tear predicted by fiber adaptation model." Transactions of the ORS Vol.32, San Diego CA, 2007 [1214]
  • Peltz C, Sarver JJ, Dourte L, Wuergler-Hauri CC, Williams GR, Soslowsky LJ; "Shoulder joint mechanics remain altered following post-operative immobilization and exercise in a rat rotator cuff injury and repair model." Transactions of the ORS Vol.32, San Diego CA, 2007 [0105]
  • Sarver JJ; Ward SM; Wuergler-Hauri CC; Gimbel JA; Williams GR; Lieber RL; Soslowsky LJ; "A myofibers adaptation algorithm to describe changes in passive myotendinous mechanics following tendon detachment." American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference Amelia Island Florida, 2006. []
  • Ward SR; Sarver JJ; Eng CM; McElroy CJ; Perry SM; Williams GR; Soslowsky LJ; Lieber RL; "Muscle architectural changes after rotator cuff tear in the rat." Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Denver Colorado, 2006.
  • Peltz CD; Sarver JJ; Williams GR; Soslowsky LJ; "A novel technique for measuring passive shoulder mechanics in a rat." American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference Amelia Island Florida, 2006.
  • Andarawis NA; Asmuth JC; Sarver JJ; Tustison NJ; Avants BB; Wehrli FW; Song HK; Gee JC; Soslowsky LJ; "Removal of the coracromial arch causes a decrease in strain in the superior region of the supraspinatus tendon." ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference Amelia Island Florida, 2006.
  • Sarver JJ; Peltz CD; Reddy S; Williams GR; Soslowsky LJ; "Immobilization does not increase shoulder stiffness following rotator cuff repair." Transactions of the ORS Chicago, IL, 2006 [].
  • Perry SM; Peltz CD; Reidich B; Sarver JJ; Williams GR; Soslowsky LJ; "Changes in rat ambulation recover following immobilization after tendon injury and repair." 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago Illinois, 2006.
  • Andarawis NA; Yokota A; Sarver JJ; Ramsey ML; Soslowsky LJ; "Supraspinatus tendon strain increases with anterior-side full-thickness tears and decreases with removal of the caracoacromial arch." 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Washington DC, 2005.
  • Sarver JJ; Gimbel JA; Soslowsky LJ; "Rotator cuff myotendinous retraction is an important predictor of repair tension." 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Washington D.C., 2005. [poster]
  • Sarver JJ; Allen SE; Bowles RD; Elliott DM; "Mechanical differences between mouse and tail motion segments are largest in the transition zone." 50th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, 2004. [poster]
  • Sarver JJ; Allen SE; Andawaris NA; Elliott DM; "Mechanical function of rodent lumbar and caudal discs: validation compared to human motion segments in axial compression." American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2004 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, Florida 2003, [presentation].
  • Sarver JJ; Allen SE; Bowles RD; Elliott DM; "An alternative method for determining the neutral zone of spinal motion segment units." American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, DC, November, 2003.
  • Sarver JJ, Filanowski AJ, Vresilovic EJ, Bowles RD, Miller GJ, Elliott DM, "Compression and tension mechanical properties in the mouse disc", 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2003 [poster].
  • Filanowski AF; Sarver JJ; Miller GJ; Bowles RD; Soslowsky LJ; Elliott DM; "Reduced type I collagen alters disc mechanical properties in genetically engineered mice." 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2003 [presentation].
  • Sarver JJ, Lynch HA, Wu JP, Johannessen WJ, Elliott DM, "Mechanisms for tendon viscoelasticity determined through QLV analysis of transverse and fiber-aligned samples", 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2003 [poster].
  • Sarver JJ, Seliktar R, "A muscle model to explain the effect of fatigue on force tremor." 12th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Limnos Greece, September 2002 [presentation].
  • Sarver JJ, Seliktar R, "Modeling isometric force tremor after exhaustive exercise: evaluation of model performance." 8th Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics ISB, Milan Italy, July 2001 [presentation].
  • Sarver JJ, Seliktar R, "Wavelet analysis of the vibromyographic (VMG) signal to quantify muscular effort." Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference - IEEE EMBS, Atlanta GA, 950, Oct 1999 [presentation].
  • Sarver JJ, Seliktar R, "A simplified mechanical model to predict motor restrictions of the partially paralyzed shoulder." ASME: Bioengineering Conference, Anaheim CA, 397-398. Nov 1998 [poster].
  • Sarver JJ, Smith BT, Seliktar R, "A quantitative analysis of shoulder motion used for controlling FES systems in adolescents with C4 level SCI." RESNA Proceedings, Pittsburgh, USA, 289, June 1997 [presentation].

Book Chapters

  • "Measurements in Biomechanics" (chp 1) in Clinical Biomechanics. Zeevi Dvir (ed.), Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, USA 2000.