Donald McEachron

Donald L. McEachron, PhD

Teaching Professor and Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems

Office: Bossone 719
Phone: 215.895.1382


I am a Teaching Professor and currently serve as the Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement for the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems at Drexel University. I earned a BA in Behavioral Genetics from the University of California at Berkeley (1977), a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of California at San Diego (1984), and an MS in Information Science from Drexel University (2006). I have worked extensively in the areas of imaging, editing three monographs on imaging applications in biomedicine, as well as numerous papers and presentations. However, my primary biomedical research focuses on chronobiology, biological rhythms and human performance engineering. I recently published "Chronobioengineering: An Introduction to Biological Rhythms with Applications, Volume 1" (Morgan-Claypool, 2012). In association with architects, civil engineers and other engineers and social scientists, I am working in the field of Indoor Ecology, examining how built environments influence human physiology and behavior. I've published in a variety of other disciplines, including hominid evolution and education. I've served as PI or Co-PI on a variety of grants from both NIH and NSF involving autoradiographic image processing, neuroendocrinology and education. I am currently involved in the design and implementation of computer-assisted knowledge management systems to augment instruction and assist in the development of personalized educational approaches, originally funded by the National Science Foundation. I am also assisting in the development of specialized lighting systems for nursing facilities under a grant from the Green Building Alliance. In addition to my work at Drexel, I serve as Chair of the Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society, Philadelphia Chapter, IEEE Philadelphia section. In 2005 and again in 2012, I was trained as an IDEAL Scholar in assessment practices by ABET, Inc.


  • PhD, University of California, San Diego, Neuroscience, 1984
  • BA, University of California, Berkeley, Behavioral Genetics, 1977

Research Interests

Animal behavior, autoradiography, biological rhythms, cerebral metabolism, evolutionary theory, image processing, neuroendocrinology