Sri Balasubramanian

Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD

Associate Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Office: Bossone 713
Phone: 215.571.3738
Website: Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory


My research is focused on developing novel biomedical engineering methods and advanced computational modeling tools to address the burden of debilitating pediatric skeletal deformities, traumatic injuries and orthopedic conditions. I specialize in characterizing the morphology and growth patterns of the normative and scoliotic pediatric spine and rib cage, rapidly creating patient-specific computational models to simulate surgical interventions, and developing age-equivalent animal models for scoliosis and pediatric long bones. My research expertise also includes experimental biomechanics in the areas of pediatric head and neck injury, orthopedic biomechanics of the knee, thorax and spine, and knee biomechanics following ligament reconstructions. I have conducted several human volunteer studies, sled tests with postmortem human subjects and experimental studies using cadaveric tissue. Overall, my research findings in these under-studied areas have tremendous potential to impact the current practices in pediatric orthopedics and automotive child safety, and also provide the data and methods needed to guide future innovations. I mentor several graduate, undergraduate and high school students in my lab, and received the ‘Outstanding STAR (Students Tackling Advanced Research) Mentor Faculty Award’ for 2010 – 2011.


  • PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2006
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University, Flint, MI, 2003
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, Regional Engineering College Jalandhar, India, 1999

Research Interests

Orthopedic biomechanics, Pediatric spine and rib cage deformities, Scoliosis, Computational modeling, Pediatric long bones, Animal models, Injury biomechanics, Spinal kinetics and kinematics, and Knee kinematics.