Graduate Admissions

Biomed Graduate Students in Lab

Entrance Requirements

Admission requires a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or equivalent international institution. NEW! For master's and doctoral students, GRE scores are no longer required to apply.

Domestic students may apply for admission during any term during the year, though students are encouraged to matriculate at the start of the Fall Term to ensure a proper sequence of coursework.

International students may apply only for Fall Term admission. Consideration for a term other than the Fall Term requires special permission from the academic unit prior to application.

Cost of Study

For more detailed information regarding Graduate Tuition and additional financing resources please visit Drexel Central: Cost of Attendance for Graduate Programs

Length of Program

The time required to complete the program will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken; however, two years is normally required for a post-baccalaureat student to achieve an MS degree.

Financial Aid

MS Applicants

Many of our students look at their Drexel graduate degree as an investment in their future and finance their graduate education through a combination of institutional funding, federal aid, private educational loans, and other sources.

Drexel Dean's Fellowship

For all on-campus University City Main Campus students, a Drexel Dean's Fellowship is a non-need-based award for full-time graduate students that provides a percentage of the student's tuition each term. Awarded by the University's Graduate Admissions Office, the Dean's Fellowship is designed to assist outstanding applicants, and as such, the fellowship does not carry any assigned duties. Requirements for the fellowship are as follows:

  • Domestic and international applicants are eligible and must be seeking full-time study only at the master's level.
  • Applicants may not receive any other form of assistantship or fellowship from Drexel University while holding a Dean's Fellowship, including teaching, research, and graduate assistantships, a Drexel Grad Grant, or any other college-specific aid.
  • The Office of Graduate Admissions will determine who receives a Dean's Fellowship and awardees will be informed by mail.

PhD Applicants

The primary source of financial support for PhD students are grants held by School’s faculty and unit funded teaching assistantships. There is no additional paperwork to apply.

Calhoun Fellowship

A number of qualified incoming students are awarded Calhoun Fellowships from the School’s Calhoun Endowment Fund. To be considered for a Calhoun Fellowship, students must complete their applications by February 1st. There is no additional paperwork to apply.