Minor in Immune Engineering


The purpose of this undergraduate minor is to leverage Drexel’s unique strengths and leadership in this area to advance the education of the next generation of leaders in immune engineering.

Students who complete the minor in Immune Engineering will gain knowledge about the innate and adaptive immune systems, the importance of these systems for the success or failure of various treatments for diverse clinical applications, and how to manipulate these systems for therapeutic benefit. Given the increasing understanding of the importance of the immune system in biomaterial design, drug delivery, and cell and gene therapy, students earning a minor in Immune Engineering will be well positioned to work in the pharmaceutical, biomaterials, and cell and gene therapy sectors.

Students completing majors with backgrounds in biology or engineering are encouraged to consider this minor.



  • BIO 211: Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology II (4.0 credits) or BIO 214: Principles of Cell Biology
  • BIO 426: Immunology (3.0 credits)
  • BMES 480: Introduction to Immune Engineering (3.0 credits)
  • BMES 481: Advanced Topics in Immune Engineering (3.0 credits)
  • Introduction to Biomaterials: Choose 1 of the following options (3.0-4.0 credits)
    • BMES 212: The Body Synthetic
    • BMES 460: Biomaterials I
    • MATE 455: Biomedical Materials

Total Credits: 24.0

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Information regarding undergraduate professional academic advisors for this minor is available on the School's Undergraduate Advising webpage.

For more detailed information about the curriculum and program goals, please contact:

Elise Bryers, MEd
Email: emb53@drexel.edu