Biomedical Engineering Learning Community

Drexel Biomed BLC Group Photo Rock wall 2015

The Biomedical Engineering Learning Community (BLC) is a group of approximately 30 first-year Biomedical Engineering (BME) students who are chosen to live together on equal terms in a congenial atmosphere to pursue a common goal.

The mission of the BLC is to promote a dynamic and collaborative environment by forming a close-knit community living together on the same floor in Myers Hall. Members of the BLC are not only housed together, but also attend classes together, participate in team building activities, and attend various academic and social events. These events and activities actively promote academic success and a sense of community among students. BLC students will build life-long friendships, networking connections, and make lasting college memories.

The transition from high school to college can be an overwhelming and stressful time. By joining the BLC, members will be surrounded by a built-in support system of friends, classmates, and peers all rolled in to one network to help each other through this transitional and transformational time. As an active member of the Biomedical Engineering Learning Community, students gain numerous benefits, such as the following:

  • Building family-like connections with fellow BME students.
  • Living on the same floor as other BLC members in Myers Hall.
  • Participating in team building events such as Drexel’s rock climbing wall and scavenger hunt.
  • Establishing study partners and groups easily due to cohorted classes and cohabitation.
  • Attending opportunities to network with BME faculty members, upperclassmen, and co-op employers.
  • Partaking in social activities such as game and movie nights, holiday celebrations, and trips to various museums and events throughout Philadelphia.

Student Testimonials

  • "Life at Drexel in general has gotten way better for me because of the BLC. I was able to eat with friends, study with friends, and struggle over midterms with friends. From my academics to my dorming experience, the BLC has made all of it several times better."

  • "The BLC is a convenient community to be living with especially when you share so many classes, interests, and goals. If you ever need help with homework, you just go down the hall to the homework/gaming area. It’s a great place to be when you have no idea how to do Creo (a Computer Aided Design program) or solve a math problem."


The Biomedical Engineering Learning Community program is available to all incoming first-year (non-transfer) students majoring in Biomedical Engineering. The BLC is made up of BIOMED students only as the major is very unique and specialized. All events and activities are tailored specifically to the interests of Biomedical Engineering students.

In order to be considered for the Biomedical Engineering Learning Community program, you must:

  • Pay your $200 housing deposit
  • Preferred completion of your housing application by Priority Deadline.

If you are having trouble with your housing application, please contact University Housing at Please note that applicants who have a roommate preference (unless the roommate is also applying to the BLC program) and applicants who are part of the Honors program (which has its own Learning Community) may be asked to choose between the BLC and other options, if selected.

For more information, contact:
Elise Bryers, BLC Director and Academic Advisor