Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Biomedical Science (BMS) Programs

Drexel BIOMED Classroom

Undergraduate Programs

The Biomedical Engineering (BME) Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree program prepares students to conceive, design, and develop devices and systems that improve human health and quality of life. Biomedical engineering integrates the life sciences and engineering education that underlie the development of cost-effective technology for health care, including medical devices and diagnostics, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology

Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Experiential Learning (Co-op)

Undergraduate Research

Pre-med & Pre-law

 Drexel BIOMED Graduate Lab

Graduate Programs

For graduate students, the School offers Master's of Science (MS) and Doctoral (PhD) degree programs in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Biomedical Science (BMS). Areas of specialization available or under development include biomechanics, rehabilitation, biomaterials and tissue engineering, biosensors and biomedical imaging, biostatistics, genome science and bioinformatics, human factors and performance engineering, neuroengineering, and systems biology.

Biomedical Engineering (BME)


Biomedical Science (BMS)

Advanced Certificate Programs and Fellowships