Coronavirus and Urban Health

Image of 3 UHC COVID-19 Dashboards on Mobile Devices

The Urban Health Collaborative's Response to COVID-19

Health in cities has always been a focus of the Urban Health Collaborative and we are actively working to address how COVID-19 is impacting the health of residents in urban areas as well as the implications of the pandemic for health equity. Urban Health Collaborative researchers have been developing powerful data tools to track COVID-19 related outcomes locally, nationally and globally, as well as creating resources and content for the public health community. This page serves as an up-to-date guide on UHC news, analysis and other work surrounding coronavirus and urban health.

COVID-19 Data

COVID-19 Health Inequities in Cities - National

Drexel University’s Urban Health Collaborative has partnered with the Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC) to release the “COVID-19 Health Inequities in Cities Dashboard”. This dashboard is a powerful data tool that enables visualizations of COVID-19 related outcomes and inequities in COVID-19 related outcomes over time and across BCHC cities. The dashboard includes information on COVID-19 incidence, mortality, testing, test positivity, and hospitalizations in BCHC cities. Additionally, the dashboard allows users to characterize, compare, and track inequities at three levels : across individuals within cities, across neighborhoods within cities, and across cities. Interactive visualizations allow users to explore data on COVID-19 related outcomes and outcome inequities for BCHC cities, including options for users to select specific variables or cities and tooltips to assist in interpretations. Read more about the dashboard.

Visit the Dashboard

COVID-19 Vulnerability Indicators - Philadelphia

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Drexel West Philly Promise Neighborhood team has built data dashboards to help to identify areas in Philadelphia that are at highest risk for COVID-19 and its longer-term impacts. We hope these data and maps can be useful for allocating resources during response and recovery efforts. The first dashboard shows general vulnerabilities based on the CDC's Social Vulnerability Index. This Index displays 15 U.S. Census variables at the tract level to help local officials identify communities that may need support in preparing for or recovering from disaster. We have adapted this index to be relevant to the Philadelphia context. The second dashboard shows data on additional COVID-related vulnerabilities relevant to Philadelphia communities, including health conditions, access to resources, and more detailed housing data. The third dashboard, the Essential Worker Dashboard, shows data on workers in essential industries, including data on race and ethnicity, pay, and where workers live.

Visit the Dashboard

COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean - Global

The Urban Health Collaborative has strong ties to Latin America through participation in the Urban Health Network for Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC-Urban Health network). Salud Urbana en America Latina (SALURBAL), the Network’s main project, is a five-year project that was launched in April 2017. SALURBAL researchers are currently tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin American countries. Developed in May of 2020 to both monitor the spread of COVID-19 and visualize current cases in countries, cities, and sub-cities in Latin America. The dashboard allows visitors to view changes in the number of confirmed cases and number of COVID-19 deaths in Latin American countries and compare the progress of the pandemic across many different countries.

Visit the Dashboard

COVID-19 Briefs and Resources

COVID-19 and Urban Health in Latin America (6.14.21)

The Impact of COVID-19 in Latino Communities in Philadelphia (6.8.21)

COVID-19 Inequities among Hispanics in US Cities Project (3.18.21)

Latin American COVID-19 Repository (2.10.21)

Public Transportation and Active Transportation During the Pandemic Brief (11.1.20)

Indoor Dining and COVID-19 Brief (9.1.20)

COVID-19 in Context: Racism, Segregation, and Racial Inequities in Philadelphia Brief (6.1.20)

West Philly Promise Neighborhood (WPPN) COVID-19 Community Resources (5.15.20)

Estimates of Lives Saved by Stay at Home Orders in U.S. Cities (5.12.20)

COVID-19 News

New Data Shows Public Health Benefit to Closing Indoor Dining (12.07.21)

UHC Awarded Grant to Study Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19 in Philadelphia (12.06.21)

Indoor Dining and In-Person Learning Across Big City Health Coalition Cities (11.23.21)

US Cities and Changes in COVID-19 Racial Disparities Throughout the Pandemic (11.02.21)

COVID-19 Health Inequities Dashboard adds Vaccination Coverage for Different Age Groups (10.04.21)

Inequities in COVID-19 Vaccination and Vaccine-Related Outcomes (08.04.21)

Tracking COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Inequities in Cities (06.03.21)

COVID-19 Inequities Dashboard Updates (05.05.21)

Indoor Dining and COVID-19 in Spain and the United States (04.07.21)

UHC Awarded Grant to Track Equity Issues in COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination (02.02.21)

COVID-19 Research at the Community Level (10.28.20)

Barriers and Opportunities to Address Geographic Inequity in a Pandemic (9.17.20)

How Lives Saved Estimates Were used by Policymakers (6.25.20)

What COVID-19 Is Teaching Us About Urban Health in Latin America (6.23.20)

Racial and Economic Health Inequities and COVID-19 (5.1.20)

Our Pandemic and Our Planet - Gina Lovasi, PhD, MPH (4.2.20)

Cities, Health Equity, and COVID-19 - Ana V. Diez Roux, MD, PhD, MPH (4.2.20)

COVID-19 and Latin American cities - Usama Bilal, MD, PhD, MPH (3.27.20)

COVID-19 Past Events

Confronting Organizational Stress as the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Unfold (6.22.2020)

Emerging Issues in the Coronavirus Pandemic (4.21.2020)

UHC and Dornsife Experts

To view UHC faculty in the news, please visit our media page.

UHC and Dornsife faculty continue to offer expert commentary and analysis on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in local, national, and international media outlets.

News media professionals should contact Greg Richter, News Manager, at 215.895.2614 or, to schedule an interview with a Dornsife faculty expert.