Opportunities for Faculty & Professional Staff

There are a number of ways that Drexel employees can participate in making an impact and helping build a more sustainable campus culture.

Dragon Volunteers

All benefits-eligible full-time and part-time professional staff have the opportunity to use paid time away from their workplace to participate in service activities through Dragon Volunteers. Some offices organize team-based activities to do together, while many staff members find service opportunities to pursue individually. The Lindy Center for Civic Engagement hosts an email list-serv to share specific service activities, and they also support staff who wish to develop a relationships with a non-profit organization of their choice. We encourage professional staff to consider how they can use their paid service time to find ways of making an impact in sustainability issues.

Visit the Lindy Center's website for detailed information about the Dragon Volunteers program and using your paid service time.

Support our STARS Data Collection and Analysis

Drexel participates in STARS – the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System – with AASHE, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. STARS has been a valuable tool for understanding how well Drexel is performing in the sustainability space, and has helped the Climate & Sustainability team identify pathways to improvement. We welcome participation to assist us with gathering annual data, understanding our results, and crafting next programmatic steps. More than 1,000 institutions across the world participate in STARS. Drexel’s first reporting year was 2020; we achieved a Bronze rating and are now at Silver as of 2023. Contact Bo Solomon at jbs328@drexel.edu to learn more about joining this effort.

Lights Out

If you work on campus full- or part-time, you’re invited to participate in “Lights Out,” a new program in which employees who all work in different Drexel buildings and facilities will volunteer to turn off and/or turn down electronics in their work spaces at the end of the week (lights, air conditioner units, space heaters, etc.) and report their progress. The aim of the program is to reduce unnecessary electricity use on campus. If you’re interested in volunteering for this program, please fill out the volunteer interest form.

Take Our Sustainability Culture Survey

We have created an annual survey to track the growth and improvement in sustainability awareness and practices at Drexel. Please share your thoughts with us!