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  • Clean Smell Doesn't Always Mean Clean Air

    October 29, 2014

    Some of the same chemical reactions that occur in the atmosphere as a result of smog and ozone are actually taking place in your house while you are cleaning. A researcher in Drexel’s College of Engineering is taking a closer look at these reactions, which involve an organic compound -called limonene- that provides the pleasant smell of cleaning products and air fresheners. His research will help to determine what byproducts these sweet-smelling compounds are adding to the air while we are using them to remove germs and odors.

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  • Candy Chang Visits Drexel

    October 27, 2014

    Artist, designer and urban planner Candy Chang wants the University City community to think about life and death. She recently installed one of her popular "Before I Die" walls at the University City High School construction site as a precursor to her visit as a distinguished speaker in the spring.

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  • Drexel Study Questions 21-Day Quarantine Period For Ebola

    October 15, 2014

    As medical personnel and public health officials are responding to the first reported cases of Ebola Virus in the United States, many of the safety and treatment procedures for treating the virus and preventing its spread are being reexamined. One of the tenets for minimizing the risk of spreading the disease has been a 21-day quarantine period for individuals who might have been exposed to the virus. But a new study by Charles Haas, PhD, a professor in Drexel’s College of Engineering, suggests that 21 days might not be enough to completely prevent spread of the virus.

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