Task Force Exploring Options for Drexel’s Fall Term
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The following message was sent to Drexel faculty and staff on April 27.
Dear Colleagues,
Now that we have a course set for the summer term, during which the University will continue to operate remotely, we are moving ahead with an intensive planning effort for the beginning of the new academic year. I’m pleased to announce the members of the task force assembled to explore our approach to teaching, research and service for the fall, and I want to briefly outline their charge.
We continue to see the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic, with its tragic toll in human life and the sweeping disruption of our economy. In addition, it remains unclear when communities might be able to resume some semblance of their normal routines. And so, we must be extremely flexible with our planning, anticipating a number of different scenarios. To that end, our Fall 2020 Covid-19 Task Force under the leadership of three co-chairs will evaluate several options. They are as follows:
- Fall term begins and remains on campus, with social distancing protocols in place.
- Fall term continues to operate solely remotely; campuses remain closed.
- Fall term runs as a hybrid, with varying elements online and in-person
I asked the task force, at their first meeting on Friday, to identify the dimensions and permutations of each scenario, as well as address any potential questions that may arise. The group will consider how each scenario would impact Drexel in various ways, including: academics, research, facilities, health and safety, student life and more.
Any move to resume on-campus operations will be made only after state and local authorities lift restrictions on business and school openings, and once the University concludes that safeguards can be put in place to minimize health risks from COVID-19 to the entire Drexel community. As the summer progresses, we do hope to open the campuses on a limited basis, possibly involving small groups of students and researchers, additional faculty, professional staff and other personnel necessary to conduct University business. For example, some labs could reopen.
I want to thank the members of the task force for taking on this important challenge, and l look forward to receiving their recommendations in early June. Anna Koulas, from the Drexel Solutions Institute, will staff this group.
Following is the complete membership list.
Fall 2020 Covid-19 Task Force
- Norma Bouchard, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- Alan Greenberger, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Department Head of Architecture Design and Urbanism
- Megan Weyler, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Vince Amoroso, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management
- Eileen Behr, Vice President, Department of Public Safety
- Paul Brandt-Rauf, Dean, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
- Meghan Bucci, Executive Director of Finance, Academy of Natural Sciences
- Sean Chung, Vice President of Online Operations
- David Collins, Executive Director, Strategic Sourcing and Surplus, Procurement Services
- Janet Cruz, Medical Director, Drexel Student Health Department
- Lori Doyle, Senior Vice President, University Communications
- Brian Ellis, Associate Dean for Academic Programs Administration, LeBow College of Business
- Adam Fontecchio, Director, Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence, College of Engineering
- Aroutis Foster, Associate Professor of Learning Technologies, School of Education
- Jen Gallagher, Manager, HR Service Center
- Theresa Gallo, Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Services, Kline School of Law
- Marla Gold, Vice Provost for Community Health Care Innovation
- Chuck Haas, Department Head, LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Jackie Hopkins, Director of Events and Visitor Relations, Enrollment Management
- Erin Horvat, Senior Vice Provost, Faculty Advancement and Undergraduate Affairs
- Anna Koulas, Vice President, Drexel Solutions Institute
- Michele Kutzler, Assistant Dean of Faculty Development, College of Medicine
- Don Liberati, Assistant Vice President, Business Services
- MacKenzie Luke, Associate Vice President for Student Success
- Jake Marini, Vice Provost, Global Engagement
- Annette Molyneux, Assistant Vice President, Student Life
- Kym Montgomery, Senior Associate Dean for Nursing and Student Affairs, College of Nursing and Health Professions
- Bill Mooney, Associate Vice President and Deputy CIO
- Donald Moore, Vice President for Real Estate and Facilities
- Danuta Nitecki, Dean of Libraries
- Mary Quigley, Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Management
- Al Riess, Director of Technology, LeBow College of Business
- Damian Salas, Assistant Dean, Close School of Entrepreneurship
- Maria Schultheis, Vice Provost of Research
- Ali Shokoufandeh, Associate Dean of Research, College of Computing and Informatics
- Ian Sladen, Vice President for Cooperative Education and Career Development, Steinbright Career Development Center
- David Unruh, Senior Vice President, Institutional Advancement
- Joyce Vuocolo, Director of Total Rewards
- Anne Converse Willkomm, Department Head of Graduate Studies, Goodwin College
- Tami Wible, Associate General Counsel and Managing Attorney
- David Wilson, Vice President, Government and Community Relations
- Eric Zillmer, Director of Athletics and Carl R. Pacifico Professor of Neuropsychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Please feel free to reach out to these colleagues with any questions and suggestions you may have.
John Fry
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