Rachel Ewing

Staff Writer
Rachel Ewing was a news officer at Drexel from May 2011- August 2015.


Chart shows HIV engagement during pregnancy and for two years postpartum. 92% of women received HIV care during pregnancy. 51% had viral suppression at delivery. 38% received HIV care within 3 months after delivery. Pregnancy is a Missed Opportunity for HIV-Infected Women to Gain Control Over Condition
Pregnancy could be a turning point for HIV-infected women, when they have the opportunity to enter a long-term pattern of maintenance of HIV care after giving birth—but most HIV-infected women aren’t getting that chance, according to a pair of new studies led by Drexel and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
BBPP research staff, Illidio Mebulo, collecting a sample of primate tissue in the market for genetic analysis. Credit: Javier Rivas/BBPP Where Commerce and Conservation Clash: Bushmeat Trade Grows with Economic Prosperity in 13-Year Study
The bushmeat market in the city of Malabo is bustling—more so today than it was nearly two decades ago, when Gail Hearn, PhD, began what is now one of the region’s longest continuously running studies of commercial hunting activity. Hearn’s team has now published its comprehensive results of 13 years of daily monitoring bushmeat market activity.
brain images show reduced cortical surface area and increased cortical thickness in Down Syndrome Thick Cortex Could Be Key in Down Syndrome
The thickness of the brain’s cerebral cortex could be a key to unlocking answers about intellectual development in youth with Down Syndrome, according to a new study led by a Drexel psychologist.
wasp colony Do Insect Societies Share Brain Power?
A new Drexel study suggests that social behavior evolved very differently in the brains of social insects than in vertebrate animals such as mammals, birds and fish.