Drexel Embraces the Spirit of Giving with Holiday Traditions

On Dec. 6, Dragons packed boxes full of donated items to send to active-duty military stationed overseas.
Drexel University closes out every year with annual traditions bringing cheer to those who might need it most during the holiday season.
For active-duty military stationed away from their loved ones right now, the University held its 16th annual Active-Duty Military Care Package Drive to collect and send care packages to those serving overseas.
And closer to home, families and individuals in Philadelphia received holiday meals distributed through Drexel’s 51st annual Alumni Turkey Project, the University’s longest-standing alumni charitable tradition.
Here's a summary of what Drexel helped distribute both locally and globally:
At the Dec. 6 packing day, Dragons wrote and drew cards and messages to be included in the care packages.
Active-Duty Military Care Package Drive
The Department of Public Safety facilitated this year’s Active-Duty Military Care Package Drive, which was led by Police Accreditation Manager Jane Kelly.
This year, Dragons donated toiletries, snack foods, writing pads, playing cards and books, among other miscellaneous items. These items were collected from Nov. 11 to Dec. 6, and Dragons could leave their items at several drop-off boxes across campus.
On Dec. 6, professional staff, faculty and students came together to help box up all of the donations. On that day, during a special event at the Daskalaskis Athletic Center (DAC), people sorted all the items and created handmade cards and notes to be included in the care packages.
Ultimately, 21 large boxes of items were delivered to external partner Operation Yellow Ribbon for distribution. Last year, Drexel-donated items were sent to over 300 military units.

Alumni Turkey Project
Coming off its 50th anniversary last year, the Alumni Turkey Project worked with over 50 community partners to distribute holiday dinners to local Philadelphians. Ultimately, 2,650 holiday meals were shared. All of that was made possible thanks to the $73,834 that was raised through the generosity of TK members of the Drexel community.
Both packing and distributing days were completely filled by Dragons hoping to support the tradition and make a difference in their community. On Dec. 7, they packed 2,000 bags filled with non-perishable holiday side dishes that were given to community organizations on the Distribution Day on Dec. 14.
Sharing Excess, a Philly-based nonprofit founded at Drexel by Evan Ehlers ’19, partnered with the University for the Dec. 7 event. Other partner organizations include Drexel’s Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships and the Stephen and Sandra Sheller 11th Street Family Health Services.
“It’s truly inspiring to witness alumni and friends come together to support individuals and families in need across the Philadelphia region. This cherished alumni tradition exemplifies the very best of the Drexel spirit — collaboration, civic engagement, and a commitment to creating meaningful impact. By serving more than 50 community partners, we are reminded of the transformative power of unity and the remarkable legacy we continue to build together,” said Chair of the Alumni Board of Governors Bernard F. Greene III '99, '14.
Founded in 1973, the Turkey Project is the University’s longest-running alumni initiative, and more than 28,00 meals have been donated to date. This cherished tradition addresses hunger and food insecurity during the holidays, supporting both Philadelphia families and students through Mario’s Market, the campus food pantry.
For more photos and videos from this year's event, check out this Flickr album from Distribution Day.
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