COVID-19 Exposure at St. Christopher's Hospital


The following message was sent to the Drexel community on March 11.

Dear Members of the Drexel Community, 

On Tuesday, an independent physician with admitting privileges at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children was diagnosed with a presumed case of COVID-19. Based on risk assessment guidelines from both the federal government and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the risk of exposure to COVID-19 from this individual is low. The Department of Health is contacting the patient families for follow up. We do not have any reports of the coronavirus among Drexel students, faculty or professional staff that might be linked to this individual. 

The physician was last at St. Christopher's on February 26, and at that time did not have any symptoms of infection. The physician performed three surgical procedures on that date and has not been to the hospital since then. The physician became symptomatic the following day, has since recovered and did not require hospitalization.

In an abundance of caution, St. Christopher's reached out individually to hospital employees who may have had close contact with this individual when he was last at the hospital almost two weeks ago. Those employees were instructed not to go to work today, the final day of the 14-day incubation period for the infection. 

For all Drexel faculty, professional staff and students, this situation is an important reminder that COVID-19 is in our community. Each of us can help prevent the spread of infectious disease by frequent hand washing with soap and water, use of hand sanitizers, respiratory/cough etiquette (into a tissue or one's elbow), disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, minimizing touching of one's face, and avoiding close contact with symptomatic individuals.

Please visit the Drexel University coronavirus website for additional information on preparedness and response. Thank you for your diligence in preserving a healthy environment for Drexel University students, faculty and professional staff during this challenging time.


John Fry