Photo Recap: Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Drexel’s New Veterans Lounge

Last month, Drexel University’s Office of Veteran Student Services and other Drexel community members celebrated the opening of a new lounge for Drexel’s 1,000+ student veterans. Since April 1, the space has been located on the lower level of the Creese Student Center, where it had been moved from the Drexel Armory building last term.
The renovations on the lounge were made possible thanks to a generous gift from U.S. Army veteran Thomas A. Masci, Jr. ’68, who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 27 with his family. Now, the space is officially named the Masci Family Student Veterans Lounge. It boasts a computer and printing station, a business center, study tables and a small meeting area for student veterans to meet and congregate. And, of course, the new space is adorned with patriotic art.
“This inviting new home, dedicated to our student veterans, is an important extension of our longstanding commitment to support the academic and professional success of women and men who have given so much to our country,” said Rebecca Weidensaul, PhD, assistant vice president of Student Life, at the ceremony, on behalf of Drexel President John Fry.
“Congratulations to the Drexel Veteran Students on two terrific choices you have made in your life — one to serve your country proudly and two to select Drexel University for your education,” said Masci, who served in Korea during the Vietnam War.
Missed the opening event? Want to see what the space looks like? Check out photographs below.
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