So Long, Graduates; Hello, Summer Fridays

Beginning on the first Friday after Commencement, June 22, and continuing until Sept. 7, Drexel employees can leave work at noon for half-day Summer Fridays, adding an extra half of a day to their summer weekends.
Special arrangements for additional time off will be made for College of Medicine clinical practices and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. Academic units with instructional needs and significant externally sponsored research commitments may make special arrangements, as needed. In addition, all student offices should remain open with a reduced staff for normal operating hours. Additional details will be posted on the Human Resources web page.
Campus Services also worked with area businesses to offer discounts on those extra special Fridays. These benefits, which are for anyone with a Drexel faculty or professional staff card, are available at restaurants and retail locations both on and off of campus. On campus, for example, you can load up on a free 12 oz. coffee at Urban Eatery’s Downtown Grounds and the ThirtyOne41 café in Main Building, a discounted coffee at Joe Coffee and happy hour food and beverage specials starting at noon at the Landmark Americana University City. Off campus, you can use your Drexel employee ID to receive a 15 percent discount on a lunch or dinner check (not valid at the bar or on the happy hour menu) at White Dog Café or go to Sangkee Noodle House for a free vegetarian spring roll or steamed chicken dumpling items with a $25 purchase before 2 p.m. You can check out additional offers here.
So now, Drexel faculty and staff can have their half-day Fridays and free or discounted coffee and lunches, too. Happy Summer Fridays!
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