Westphal 2016 Senior Shows

Fashion '16
The Annual Fashion Show this year promises to be something special. The collections and creations of both undergraduate and graduate Fashion Design students will be on display Saturday, June 4, at the beautiful URBN Outfitters Corporate Headquarters (5000 South Broad St.). Tickets are available for the 4 p.m. and the 8 p.m. show.
Digital Media
An impressive presentation of senior projects and graduate research will be at the 2016 Digital Media Senior Show & Expo on Sunday, June 5, at the International House (3701 Chestnut St.). The showcase features innovative work from students in Animation & Visual Effects, Game Art & Production, Web Development, Interactive Design and graduate Digital Media programs. The Digital Media Department will present its student work showcase at 12:30 p.m. in the Ibrahim Theater of the International House, with an expo from 2:30–4:30 p.m. in the South American Room.
Screenwriting & Playwriting
Seniors from the Screenwriting & Playwriting Program will present their capstone projects in University Crossings 028 (3715 JFK Blvd.) on Wednesday, June 8, at 7 p.m. The evening will consist of table readings of select works featuring professional actors and screenings of works in progress, showing the talents of this next generation of screenwriting professionals.
Interior Design
The Drexel Interiors Group (DIG) will host the 2016 Interior Design Senior Show of the best work of the graduating class, including their yearlong senior projects, on Thursday, June 9, from 6–9 p.m. in the URBN Center lobby (3501 Market St.). Open to the Drexel community and the general public, the show represents multiple disciplines such as hospitality, healthcare, commercial and residential, as well as works of fine art including paintings and sculptures, furniture designs and more. Faculty will present awards to six outstanding seniors at the end of the evening.
Graphic Design
On Thursday, June 9, see stunning graphics work and meet the new graduates at the 2016 Graphic Design Senior Show at the Leonard Pearlstein Gallery (3401 Filbert St.). There will be a reception for friends, family, alumni and general public from 7–9 p.m. Highlights include book design, packaging, publication design, web design, wayfinding, exhibition design and motion graphics.
A few of the standout projects included in this year’s show include award-winning publications, poster and packaging projects that have been featured in Graphis, Creativity 45, Graphic Design USA, UCDA and American Graphic Design & Advertising. Notably, the alternative publication Text Box by Walter Wilkes, which garnered multiple awards, will be exhibited and two of the GDUSA 2016 “Students to Watch,” Jermaine Boca & Erin Chan, will show off some of the bold work that got them national recognition.
Film & Video
Eighteen senior directors will screen their projects at 11 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, at the International House (3710 Chestnut St.), showing a mix of genres, including documentaries and experimental films. Through their films, students investigate the world of dreams, explore the humorous side of cloning and tackle body image perceptions. There will be bumbling burglars, adult run-aways and a problematic witness protection program. Experience celebrations of faith, fast-paced action, super-heroes under stress, intimate betrayals, scary premonitions, insights into gender and a horror film gone awry.
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