Drexel Political Science Professors Available to Comment on Philadelphias Mayoral Election

Drexel University professors William Rosenberg, one of the region’s leading political analysts, and political science professor Richardson Dilworth III are available to provide an analysis of tomorrow’s mayoral election. William Rosenberg: specializes in American politics and presidential elections. He has authored over 60 articles, papers and technical reports and co-authored two books on elections, media and politics. Rosenberg also studies U.S. and public opinion, political polling and research methods used in polling. He is an expert in public opinion, applied research and evaluation, all of which he teaches at Drexel. Richardson Dilworth III: the grandson of former Philadelphia mayor Richardson Dilworth, he can discuss a variety of topics including public and economic policy, urban politics and infrastructure political development. Dilworth has authored various publications on urban planning and “quality of life” issues.*** To interview a Drexel University expert, contact the Drexel News Bureau at 215-895-6741 or 215-778-7752. ***News Media Contact: Niki Gianakaris, Assistant Director, Drexel News Bureau 215-895-6741, 215-778-7752 (cell) or ngianakaris@drexel.edu