Gross Anatomy: Now and Then

Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania students in dissecting room, 1897 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

Woman's Med students in the gross anatomy lab, 1897

Several days ago, we were fortunate to get a tour of the gross anatomy lab here at Drexel University College of Medicine. And by gross, I don't mean disgusting - I mean what the medical world terms macroscopic; that is, things that can be identified and measured with the naked eye.

Our tour guide was a gracious and knowledgeable first-year med student. The students are divided into groups of 5 or 6 and each group is assigned their own cadaver. The only information they receive on the body is the sex, age, profession, and cause of death. During the course of the fall and spring terms, the students carefully dissect their cadavers, all the while learning about the delicate nature of the human body - organs are removed, muscles examined, and arteries and veins followed. Students must be careful to keep their cadavers preserved by covering them with moist towels and a bag following every class. Our guide said she felt very fortunate to be able to learn in such a hands-on way. A little known (but nice) fact: An event honoring the donors and their families is held at the end of year. Read about the event on "Students pay tribute to body donors: Honoring the ultimate gift," Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 April 2010

Cadaver lab of Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1895 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

The cadaver lab of Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1895.

Cadaver lab at Drexel University College of Medicine, 2011 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

The cadaver lab at College of Medicine, 2011. Photo courtesy of the Drexel Med Emergency Medicine Residency Program

And all this left me wondering: what was dissection like for earlier students at the Woman's Medical College? So, here's a look back at Woman's Med students in the gross anatomy (cadaver) lab:

Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania anatomy lab, circa 1892 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

Comparing anatomical drawings to real life, circa 1892.

Dissection of a human body, circa 1901 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

No gloves needed for dissection in the early 1900s! (circa 1901)

Student group in anatomy laboratory, 1903 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

A lesson being taught in the cadaver lab, 1903.

Anatomy laboratory, 1928 (The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections)

Two medical students working hard at learning anatomy, 1928.