
Videos from Our Network

June 12, 2024 –  Dr. Stella Hartinger, Associate Professor at Cayetano Heredia University in Peru, director of Lancet Countdown Latin America, and co-director of CLIMA, the Center for Latin-American Research on Climate Change and Health, presented a talk titled, "Examining the 2023 Latin America Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change."

May 8, 2024 –  Dr. Pablo Sarricolea, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of the Department of Geography at the University of Chile, presented a talk titled, "Urban Climate in Chilean Cities and Socioeconomic Inequalities."

April 10, 2024 –  Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou, ScD, MSPH Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University, presented a talk titled, "Heat Impacts on the Health of New York State Residents."

March 7, 2024 –  Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, PhD, Director of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health initiative and the Climate, Air pollution, Nature and Urban Health research program at ISGlobal Barcelona, presented a talk titled "Making Cities’ Built Environment Healthier and Carbon-Neutral."


February 19, 2024 –  For an overview of climate change findings from SALURBAL, watch Dr. Diez Roux's lecture, "Climate change and urban health: opportunities for research and action," presented to the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health.

May 30, 2023 – A person’s zip code influences their life expectancy more than their genetic code. Watch Salud y Ciudad, a documentary produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), to learn more about the critical role of urban environments in determining our life expectancy and quality of life.

February 24, 2023 – Hosted by the Africa Community of Practice of the International Society for Urban Health, the webinar “Urban Health Data in Africa and Latin America: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities”, is part of the Urban Health in Africa Webinar Series and will be held on 23rd February 2023. The speakers will share their experience with collecting health data in both the African and South American regions including the challenges and opportunities for shared learning between these regions. Webinar participants will learn about the ongoing work at the integrated African Health Observatory, how they produce reliable health information for the African region and also hear about the Latin American experience with exploring urban health data as part of the SALURBAL programme.

Outubro 28, 2021 – Este encontro reuniu pesquisadores do projeto Salurbal, representantes do planejamento estratégico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e da sociedade civil.

Setembro 28, 2021 – O evento reuniu representantes do setor acadêmico, gestão pública e terceiros para discutir temas relacionados à mobilidade, poluição e mudanças climáticas em um contexto urbano.

Septiembre 2, 2021 – El evento facilitó la conversación entre distintas voces y experiencias de grupos y actores interesados en mejorar la salud urbana, la equidad y la sostenibilidad en ciudades latinoamericanas.

Mayo 27, 2021 – El diálogo, moderado por la Dra. Ana Diez Roux, trató la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 que vuelve a poner en discusión la sociedad que queremos habitar, donde la salud de nuestras poblaciones aparece como un objetivo ineludible para todos los sectores, transversal a todas las políticas.

Maio 6, 2021 – Líderes políticos locais e membros da sociedade civil de Salvador e de toda a região discutirão maneiras de melhorar a disponibilidade e acessibilidade de dados urbanos e integrar as perspectivas da comunidade na formulação de políticas.

Maio 5, 2021 – O evento reuniu especialistas em saúde urbana para discutir os efeitos da desigualdade e segregação nos resultados de saúde, os efeitos do ambiente construído, a forma urbana e as mudanças climáticas na saúde, bem como os desafios políticos para mitigar COVID -19 no nordeste do Brasil.

Marzo 11, 2021 – La Dra. Mónica Mazariegos, la Dra. Ariela Braverman y MSc. Cecilia Anza Ramírez, miembros del proyecto Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL), discutieron sobre sus estudios relacionados con el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la diabetes tipo 2. Moderado por la Dra. María Fernanda Kroker-Lobos, con la participación de el Dr. Eduardo Palacios, el Arq. MSc. Manfredo Corado y MSc. Guillermo Hegel.

Marzo 4, 2021 – ¿Qué papel juega el nivel educativo en la posibilidad de que una persona en América Latina padezca diabetes? Un estudio examinó la posible relación en 232 ciudades en ocho países. Una de sus autoras conversó con Alonso Castillo, de la Voz de América en Miami.
Entrevista a la Dra. Ariela Braverman sobre la publicación SALURBAL "Association of Education Level with Diabetes Prevalence in Latin American Cities and its Modification by City Social Environment".

Febrero 2, 2021 – América Latina es la región de los contrastes, ya que, dentro de un mismo país, la diferencia en la expectativa de vida en las ciudades varia significativamente. Los factores económicos, educativos y sociales fueron analizados por un equipo de investigadores. Informa Alonso Castillo, Voz de América, Miami.
Entrevista al Dr. Usama Bilal sobre la publicación SALURBAL "Life Expectancy and Mortality in 363 Cities of Latin America".

November 19, 2020 – On this 90-minute webinar, SALURBAL researchers and two invited discussants from WRI and ISH discuss study findings on the evaluation of speed limits, traffic enforcement, and bicycle safety in Latin American cities.

October 30, 2020 – A team of SALURBAL researchers at the University of the Andes in Colombia is studying TransMiCable’s impact on the health of residents of Ciudad Bolívar. Using citizen science approaches, researchers have worked to understand local perspectives regarding the installation and impact of the TransMiCable intervention. Community members provided essential feedback to guide research questions and have made the data collection process possible. This video highlights the perspective of two community leaders in Ciudad Bolívar.

September 9, 2020 – SALURBAL researchers Dr. Nelson Gouveia, Dr. Ana Ortigoza, and Dr. Josiah Kephart discuss their research on air pollution in Latin American cities.
Moderated by Dr. Daniel Rodriguez from UC Berkeley.

July 1, 2020 – SALURBAL researchers Dr. Usama Bilal and Dr. Ana Ortigoza presented their research on urban adult and infant mortality in 11 Latin American countries, and how patterns of mortality are associated with other aspects of urban environments, including other aspects of social inequality.

December 18, 2019 – SALURBAL research showcases why it is important to create policies that reduce social inequalities in Latin America. The study revealed important differences in life expectancy within six Latin American cities. Click the video to learn more.

February 9, 2018 – The ways in which cities are designed, organized, and governed have important implications for public health, well-being, and environmental sustainability.

This video explores global trends towards urbanization in the unique context of Latin America and examines the need for innovative public policies amid changing landscapes and emerging challenges.

Cities will be the stages for progress in health and sustainable development and the Latin American experience can offer lessons, strategies, and solutions for the world.

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