Network Action

For members ready to see real change in their life and community, Network Action will offer opportunities to become part making change happen in Philadelphia and beyond through developing political action campaigns. Focus issues include:

  • Affordable housing
  • Mental health resources
  • Safe spaces for Black and Brown people
  • Reducing gun violence 

Members will learn how to research the issues impacting them and how to advocate for the changes they want to see in their communities

Past Network Member Advocacy Efforts

In the past, Network members actively engaged in ongoing advocacy on a number of important issues. They have participated in formal campaigns to raise the TANF cash grant allotment through the Meet the Need Campaign and participated in listening sessions with the USDA to push forward efforts to update the Thrifty Food Plan to increase SNAP amounts for families. Members have also spoken out in local and national media, testified locally and nationally to political leaders, and written opinion articles on a variety of topics.

A selection of Network member advocacy includes:

How to get involved

Updates on Network Nation programs will be shared through a regular email newsletter and text message updates. Contact the Network to make sure we have your up-to-date contact info:

  • Text 215.876.0176
  • Call 267.359.6237