Driver Disqualifications | Drexel University

  1. Before the University shall grant the privilege to drive a University Vehicle, the University must determine that the individual is Eligible and has met the requirements of this Policy, including having an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record.
  2. In order to make a determination that a driver has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record, the driver must submit a copy of his/her Driver’s License and a completed MVR release form to the Office of Risk Management authorizing the University to obtain the driver’s MVR. The driver’s department is responsible for the cost of the MVR and must submit an account number to charge on the MVR release form.
  3. The University may at any time review a driver’s MVR to determine if the driver still has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record. The University expects to review the driver’s MVR at the time of hire, annually or at a more frequent interval.
  4. If a new employee’s position requires that the new employee operate a University Vehicle, employment will be contingent upon the University determining that the new hire has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record and meets the requirements of this Policy.
  5. The University will determine that a driver has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record by reviewing 2 categories of Violations:
    1. Type 1
      If the driver has been cited for any one of the following Violations within the prior five years, the driver will, at a minimum, no longer have an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record and will not be permitted to drive a University Vehicle:
      • Reckless Driving or Driving to Endanger
      • Driving under a suspended or revoked license
      • Any Hit and Run, eluding a police officer or fleeing the scene of an accident
      • Vehicular homicide or assault with a motor vehicle
      • Use of a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony
      • Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or operating a vehicle while impaired
      • Filing a false accident report. Commission of any of these offenses may also subject the driver to discipline, up to and including termination. Once five years has elapsed since the date of the Violation(s) listed in E1, the University will no longer consider the Violation in its determination of whether the driver has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record
    1. Type 2

      If the driver has been cited for or involved in the following listed below, the driver will, at a minimum, no longer have an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record and will not be permitted to drive a University Vehicle:
      • More than 4 Violations other than those listed in Section E1.
      • Two (2) or more At-Fault Accidents
      • A combination of Violations in E2 or At-Fault Accidents so that the total number of Violations in E2 and At-Fault Accidents is more than four (4)

        Commission of any of these offenses may also subject the driver to discipline, up to and including termination. Once three years has elapsed from the date of the Violations or the At-Fault Accident (s), the University will no longer consider the moving violation (s) or At-Fault Accident (s) in its determination of whether the driver has an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record.

  6. The University may at any time review the activities or MVR of a driver to determine whether the driver meets the requirements of this Policy and is still permitted to drive a University Vehicle.
  7. Drivers receiving traffic citations or violations while operating a University Vehicle shall be responsible for paying in full any outstanding fines in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws.