Foreign Exposure Liability

The University purchases insurance for protection against liability in a foreign country. To ensure that the appropriate coverage is in place, Risk Management should be notified in advance of all University-related international programs, research or travel abroad.

**All coverage under the University's international package policy is currently excluded for travel to the following locations:**

  • Afghanistan;
  • Iraq;
  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Russian Federation as recognized by the United Nations (or their territories, including territorial waters, or protectorates where they have legal control; legal control shall mean where recognized by the United Nations).
  • The Ukraine

Cuba remains a sanctioned country with exceptions for educational purposes.  Coverage is not excluded, but it is not automatic – forms must be completed and submitted to the carrier for review and approval.

--Anyone planning to travel to any of the excluded locations listed above (including Ukraine), as well as travel to Cuba or any country subject to trade or economic sanctions, must notify Risk Management at least 45 days prior to the trip for further review and/or approval from the insurance carrier.

--Any additional premium costs for travel to excluded countries will be the responsibility of the department organizing the trip. 

--Please note that coverage is not always available/guaranteed.

If you have any foreign exposures (as defined in the bullets below), please complete the information in the GRAND system.

Specifically, we need to obtain information for the following:

  • Research conducted by our faculty in foreign countries
  • Student field trips abroad
  • Study tours
  • Trips abroad as part of a required class curriculum
  • International Co-ops
  • Affiliation/internship agreements abroad involving students
  • Attendance at conferences and other meetings abroad
  • Student organizations traveling internationally (e.g. Engineers without Borders)
  • Faculty sabbaticals abroad
  • Any other departmental trip or work conducted in a foreign country on behalf of Drexel University.

(Please do not list a trip that is administered by Study Abroad since it will be provided by the Study Abroad Office.)

If international programs, research, or travel abroad are not reported, the University’s insurance carrier may deny coverage in the event of a claim.