International Travel

Drexel University encourages its faculty, professional staff and students to pursue academic opportunities around the world. While risk is inherent with all travel, traveling abroad requires increased caution and additional preparation.

***Certain countries are currently excluded from the Foreign Liability and Foreign Workers' Compensation coverage.***

(These countries can be found on the Foreign Exposure Liability page.)

Cuba is not excluded from coverage; however, coverage is not automatic – forms must be completed and submitted to the carrier for review and approval.

Should any trips be planned to Cuba or any of the excluded countries, Risk Management must be notified at least 45 days prior to the trip for further review and/or approval from the carrier.

  • Any additional premium costs for travel to excluded countries will be the responsibility of the department organizing the trip.
  • Please note that coverage is not always available/guaranteed.

Accordingly, the University provides emergency assistance for employed faculty, professional staff and all students participating on a University-affiliated international activity. Any Participant who has attained the age of 81 MUST contact the Office of Risk Management to ensure coverage is available.

Also, in order to protect you and the University against liability in a foreign country, it is important that you advise Risk Management in advance of any University-related international programs, research, or travel abroad so that we can ensure appropriate insurance is in place. A list of foreign exposures can be found on the Foreign Exposure Liability webpage.

All employed faculty and professional staff traveling abroad, including those traveling with students, must register in the Global Research and Academic Network Database (GRAND) system.