
Open Position Posting

The Office of Faculty Advancement contracts with selected advertising sites and you can request that a position be posted by working with your department's Human Resources contact. In addition, the Office of Faculty Advancement places an ad annually in a diversity-oriented publication. Please note that in some cases, an ad placement fee is collected from the department by Human Resources. Find your department's HR contact by visiting their site


Off Campus Housing is available through the Drexel Off-Campus Housing Service, which offers housing lists, roommates, sublets, furniture, carpools, and more. Drexel Off-Campus Housing is accessible online or at 877-895-1234.

If you are looking to rent, offers a free personalized apartment search. This website allows you to find rentals by region in your price range and with your preferred features.

Coldwell Bankers Preferred Moves

Drexel University, in conjunction with Preferred Moves is proud to present a tremendous new benefit to its employees, faculty, students, alumni and parents. You can receive substantial cash back rewards on real estate transactions along with genuine discounts on moving, storage, financing, insurance and other home service benefits. Experience the high touch service with your designated Preferred Moves Counselor, who will guide you through the whole process. To learn more call toll free 866.786.5512 or visit their dedicated webpage.

Whether you are just starting your search, looking to refinance or need to sell or buy a home right away, Preferred Moves is here to help the Drexel University family.

Drexel Home Purchase Assistance Program

Drexel University offers a home purchase assistance program for full-time and part-time benefit eligible University employees providing a forgivable loan toward the purchase of homes within defined borders of the Drexel University Community.  

Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program

Drexel's Dual Career Assistance Program for Faculty

The Office of Faculty Advancement and Drexel Human Resources have combined efforts to assist current and potential Drexel faculty members who are seeking employment for their partners in the greater Philadelphia region. While the University cannot guarantee job placement for those that accompany Drexel faculty, the Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program provides support in networking and locating positions both within and outside Drexel, including personal assistance with dual career issues. For assistance, please contact the Office of Faculty Advancement at 215-895-2141.


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