Faculty Annual Review

Information for Faculty

Before uploading your CV to the online system, please highlight in yellow any new achievements from the 2023-2024 year or works in progress so the department heads and their delegates can pay particular attention to new content. Please review the Faculty Evaluation CV Checklist before submitting your CV. 

Also note the following when entering information into the electronic review:

  • Each question response in the evaluation is limited to 10,000 characters. Anything over that character limit will not be accepted by the system.
  • The system uses a rudimentary text editor, therefore complex formatting (tables, etc.) should not be used. Pasting a table into the system can result in incorrect display. 
  • Department heads and their delegates will have access to the source systems, including Banner and AEFIS, for teaching data. 


The following resources may be helpful to you in completing your annual review: 

Faculty Evaluation CV Checklist: a CV checklist to guide faculty in documenting their accomplishments

Faculty Annual Review Example: screenshots of the faculty review in Career Pathway, demonstrating what will be required of faculty and department heads. 

FAR Step-By-Step Guide – Faculty Members: detailed instructions for completing the review 

Tips for Completing the Faculty Annual Review: a Human Resources webpage with tips about the system.

 * The Faculty Annual Review is intended to encompass the 2023-2024 AY. Faculty starting July 2024 onward will not participate in the 2023-24 annual review.

** Please note: We have added a new performance evaluation and development module for faculty holding administrative positions (e.g. Department Heads, Associate Deans etc.). We developed this new module in response to requests from faculty with administrative roles and Deans to provide the opportunity for formal performance review and skill development in these critical roles. We are currently working with Deans to identify individuals holding these administrative appointments in each college. This module will be launched in mid-July. 

Information for Department Heads

Before uploading their CVs to the online system, faculty members will be asked to highlight in yellow any new achievements from the 2023-2024 year or works in progress so the Department Heads and their delegates can pay particular attention to new content.

Department Heads and their delegates will have access to the source systems, including Banner and AEFIS, for teaching data. Support can be received by reaching out to ais_student@drexel.edu with any questions on accessing faculty teaching metrics in Banner.

If you require any information from faculty beyond the highlighted CV, the information available in Banner or AEFIS, and the information provided in the electronic evaluation, please inform them how to provide that additional information to you.


The following resources will help guide you through the review process.

For Department Heads and Deans:

Faculty Annual Review Example: screenshots of the faculty review in Career Pathway, demonstrating what will be required of faculty and Department Heads

Faculty Annual Review Step-by-Step Guide – Department Heads: detailed instructions for completing the review

Department Head Review Example – screenshots of the review from the Department Head perspective

Accessing Faculty Reviews and Attachments – Deans: instructions for accessing Department Head and faculty member evaluations

Timeline for the Faculty Annual Review

The general timeline for faculty reviews (subject to adjustment, with notice) is as follows:




Faculty Reviews Launch


Faculty member self-evaluation - Faculty Annual Review (FAR) completed


Department head review of faculty member completed (includes meeting to discuss)


Enterprise Learning required components and Conflict of Interest Disclosure due. Complete in Drexel One on the Employee Tab. 


Faculty member electronic signature completed


Department head electronic signature completed

 *Please note that faculty in the College of Medicine, School of Public Health, and LeBow College of Business have their own Faculty Annual Review process. Please refer to your School or College for further information.