Activity Code

Activity codes are optional four digit numerical codes in FAS that may be used to define the activities of a unit in more detail than is available through the account codes.

For example: If a department would like to track travel expenses by individuals within the department, a separate activity account would be established by the comptroller’s office. To process travel expenses, one would use XXXXXX – XXXX - 3320 – 1000 where  XXXXXX – XXXX  is the cost center, 3320 is the account code for domestic travel and 1000 is the activity code for the individual.

Please Note, activity codes are not a required element for processing financial transactions. It is the responsibility of the cost center administrator to include them on the appropriate transactions. If the activity code is not included, or an invalid activity code is included, the transaction will be processed with NO activity code.

Activity Codes cannot be used to budget; they are only used in tracking actual expenses. In the example above, the travel budget would be attached to XXXXXX – XXXX -3320 and not to the individual counselors.


Departments may request activity codes be established to meet the individual needs of the departments.


The department completes the activity code request form [PDF]. This includes the purpose of the activity code, the proposed title, and the start and stop date. If the account code is to be temporary, the stop date should be last date the account code will be used. If the account code is permanent, the stop date should be "ongoing".

The comptroller’s office will assign the four digit codes and inform the requestor and the supervisor of the number(s) assigned

Contact the General Accounting Office

3141 Chestnut St, Main Building
Suite 225
Philadelphia, PA 19104

T: 215.895.1442
F: 215.895.1508

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