Brent Luvaas, PhD

Brent Luvaas, PhD

Professor of Global Studies and Modern Languages
Center for Science, Technology and Society
Department of Global Studies and Modern Languages
Office: Academic Building, 317
Phone: 215.571.3660
Fax: 215.895.1333

Additional Sites:


  • PhD, Anthropology, UCLA, 2009.
  • BA, Anthropology, Minor Southeast Asian Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 1998.

Curriculum Vitae:

Download (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Visual Anthropology
  • Autoethnography
  • Digital Culture
  • Photography
  • Fashion
  • New Cities
  • Urban Culture in Southeast Asia


Brent Luvaas is a visual and cultural anthropologist. His work explores how digital technologies shape the way we see and experience the world around us. He teaches courses in global media, popular culture, urban culture, and digital technologies. He is also an avid photographer, using visual media as a means of expressing and communicating anthropological ideas. His book Street Style is the 2019 winner of the John Collier Jr. Award for Still Photography.

Selected Publications:


  • Luvaas, Brent and Joanne Eicher (eds), 2019. The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion: A Reader. Bloomsbury, 2019.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2016. Street Style: An Ethnography of Fashion Blogging, Bloomsbury, 2016. WINNER OF THE 2019 SOCIETY FOR VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY’S JOHN COLLIER JR. AWARD FOR STILL PHOTOGRAPHY.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2012. DIY Style: Fashion, Music, and Global Digital Cultures, Berg, 2012.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  • Luvaas, Brent, 2023. Alien Domesticity: Representing Home During a Pandemic, in Visual Communication 22(1): 13-26.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2022. Shadow Worlding: Chasing Light in Yogyakarta, in American Anthropologist 124: 399-416.
  • Luvaas, Brent. 2021. Intimate Alienation: Street Photography as a Mediation of Distance, in Photographies 14(2): 287-306.
  • Luvaas, Brent. 2019. Unbecoming: The Aftereffects of Autoethnography, in Ethnography 20(2): 245-262.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2019. The Camera and the Anthropologist: Reflections on Photographic Agency, in Visual Anthropology 32(1): 76-96.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2017. The Affective Lens, in Anthropology & Humanism 42(2): 163-179.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2013. Material Interventions: Indonesian DIY Fashion and the Regime of the Global Brand, in Cultural Anthropology 28(1): 127-143.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2010. Designer Vandalism: Indonesian Indie Fashion and the Cultural Practice of Cut ’n’ Paste in Visual Anthropology Review 26(1): 1-16.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2009. Dislocating Sounds: The Deterritorialization of Indonesian Indie Pop, in Cultural Anthropology 24(2): 246-279.

Book Chapters/Other:

  • Luvaas, Brent, 2022. Photography, in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Felix Stein, ed:
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2022. Urban Parallax: Jakarta Through a Street Photographer’s Lens, in A History of Photography in Indonesia: From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age, Brian Arnold, ed. Amsterdam University Press: 427-441.
  • Luvaas, Brent, 2021. Influence Fatigue: Affect and Autoethnography in Social Media Research, in Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment, Stuart Cunningham and David Craig, eds, New York University Press: 57-74.