steve dolph

Steve Vásquez Dolph, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor of Global Studies and Modern Languages
Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Department of Global Studies and Modern Languages
Office: Academic Building, 322
Phone: 215.895.6350

Additional Sites:


  • PhD, Spanish & Portuguese Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2017
  • MA, Spanish & Portuguese Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2012
  • MA, English, Temple University, 2007
  • BA, English, Colgate University, 2004

Research Interests:

  • Latin American diaspora and climate change
  • Politics and poetics of translation
  • Early modern cultural production
  • History and sociology of science


Steve Vásquez Dolph, PhD (he/him) is an Associate Teaching Professor of Spanish in the Department of Global Studies & Modern Languages at Drexel University, where he also serves as a Teaching Faculty Fellow for the Lindy Center for Civic Engagement and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the College of Arts and Sciences. His teaching and research situate the intersection of migration and climate change in the Americas, with a particular focus on food and land sovereignty projects in the Caribbean diaspora. Steve's teaching practice is rooted in longstanding partnerships with community-based organizations in Philadelphia and Puerto Rico, whose educational missions he supports through coursework, research collaborations, and co-learning experiences. Working principally from his identity as a child of the diaspora, and his perspective as a first-generation American, Steve works intentionally to expand access to and diversify participation within community-based global learning programs in higher education.