Scott Warnock, PhD, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education Professor of English, Drexel College of Arts and Sciences

Scott Warnock, PhD

Professor of English
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Department of English and Philosophy
Office: MacAlister Hall, Suite 4020
Phone: 215.895.0377

Additional Sites:


  • PhD, English, Temple University, 2002
  • MA, English, Rutgers University Camden, 1995
  • BA, English with a Minor in Journalism, Rutgers University Camden, 1991

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research Interests:

  • Teaching with technology
  • Online writing instruction
  • Writing administration
  • Learning assessment
  • Faculty development
  • Undergraduate research


After a decade serving as the Director of the University Writing Program, Dr. Warnock became Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education in Fall 2021. This role has allowed him to expand his keen interest in teaching and involves him closely with the overall experience of Arts and Sciences students. As Associate Dean, Dr. Warnock has been involved with numerous projects and initiatives including Director of the Arts and Sciences Research Support (ASURS) Fund, Arts and Sciences Liaison to the Academic Resource Center (ARC), and Co-Chair of the College’s Curriculum Committee.

Dr. Warnock’s scholarship focuses on technology and writing instruction, especially online learning. He has authored or co-authored five books and numerous chapters and articles, and he has spoken at many institutions and conferences. He co-founded the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators in 2016 and served as President from 2018 to 2020, and he was Co-Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee for Effective Practices in Online Writing Instruction from 2011 to 2016.

A dedicated faculty member, Dr. Warnock teaches writing and courses such as The Literature of Business; The Peer Reader in Context; and Language Puzzles and Word Games: Issues in Modern Grammar. He has won the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2020, the Outstanding Online Faculty Award for National Distance Learning Week in 2013, and the Allen Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence in 2009.

Dr. Warnock has committed to improving his local community in Riverton and Palmyra in South Jersey. He is the founding President of the Palmyra High School Foundation for Educational Excellence, served as an elected member of the school boards of both the local elementary school and high school, and has coached the children of Pal-Riv for decades in several sports. He also facilitates writing workshops for high school students.

He co-founded Subjective Metrics, Inc. a company created to develop Waypoint writing assessment and peer review software. He maintains two blogs, one about online writing instruction at and “Virtual Children” at

Selected Publications:


  • Bourelle, Tiffany, Beth L. Hewett, and Scott Warnock. Administering Writing Programs in the Twenty-First Century. Modern Language Association, 2021.
  • Hewett, Beth L., Tiffany Bourelle, and Scott Warnock. Teaching Writing in the Twenty-First Century. Modern Language Association, 2021.
  • Warnock, Scott and Diana Gasiewski. Writing Together: Ten Weeks Teaching and Studenting in an Online Writing Course. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2018.
  • Warnock, Scott. Teaching Writing Online: How and Why. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2009.


Articles and Chapters

  • Egger, Miranda and Scott Warnock. Foreword. Better Practices: Exploring the Teaching of Writing in Online and Hybrid Spaces. Edited by Amy Cicchino and Troy Hicks. Perspectives on Writing Series. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2024. vii-xi.
  • Cicchino, Amy, Kevin DePew, Jason Snart, and Scott Warnock. “Global Efforts to Professionalize Online Literacy Instructors: GSOLE’s Basic OLI Certification.” Composition Studies 49.3 (Fall 2021): 101-117.
  • Warnock, Scott & Lisa Schepis-Myers. “‘The Provoker’ Discussion Board Threads.”’ Online Literacies Open Resource. May 2020. Available at
  • Mechenbier, Mahli and Scott Warnock. “A Collaborative Method for Observing/Evaluating Online Writing Courses.” Forum: Issues About Part-Time & Contingent Faculty 23.1 (Fall 2019): A8-A16.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Foreword.” Personal, Accessible, Responsive, Strategic: Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors. Jessie Borgman and Casey McArdle. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado, 2019. vii-x.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Texting Ruins Students’ Grammar Skills.” Bad Ideas About Writing. Eds. Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Lowe. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Libraries, 2017. 301-7.
  • Warnock, Scott; Nicholas Rouse; Christopher Finnin; Frank Linnehan; & Dylan Dryer. “Measuring Quality, Evaluating Curricular Change: A 7-Year Assessment of Undergraduate Business Student Writing.” Journal of Business and Technical Writing 31.2 (April 2017): 135-67.
  • Hewett, Beth & Scott Warnock. “Writing MOOEEs? Reconsidering MOOCs in Light of the OWI Principles.” Handbook of Research on Writing and Composing in the Age of MOOCs. Eds. Elizabeth A. Monske & Kristine Blair. IGI Global, 2017. 17-38.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Interrogating Online Writing Instruction.” Learning and Teaching Writing Online: Strategies for Success. Studies in Writing. Vol. 29. Series Ed. Gert Rijlaarsdam & Volume Editors Mary Deane & Teresa Guasch. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2015. 178-87.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Teaching the OWI Course.” Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction. Perspectives on Writing. Eds. Beth L. Hewett and Kevin DePew. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2015. 157-97. Available at
  • Hewett, Beth and Scott Warnock. “The Future of OWI.” Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction. Perspectives on Writing. Eds. Beth L. Hewett and Kevin DePew. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2015. 553-69. Available at
  • Warnock, Scott. “WPA-CompPile Bibliography no. 21: Studies Comparing Outcomes Among Onsite, Hybrid, and Fully-Online Writing Courses.” WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies April 2013.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Frequent Low-Stakes Grading: Assessment for Communication, Confidence.” Online Classroom. 12.3 (March 2012): 5, 7.
  • Warnock, Scott, and Kenneth Bingham; Dan Driscoll; Jennifer Fromal; and Nicholas Rouse. “Early Participation in Asynchronous Writing Environments and Course Success.” The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 16.1 (January 2012). Web.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Streaming Media for Writing Instruction: Drexel’s Streaming Media Server and Novel Approaches to Course Lessons and Assessment.” Streaming Media in Higher Education. Eds. Charles Wankel and J. Sibley Law. Hersey, PA: IGI Global, 2011. 218-236.
  • “The Class Message Board Text: What Is It and How Can We Use It to Develop a Student Text-Centered Course?” Teaching Using Student Texts: Essays Toward an Informed Practice. Eds. Joseph Harris, John Miles, Charles Paine. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2010. 96-107.
  • “Cutting Keystrokes, Improving Communications: Response Technologies for Writing Instruction.” California English 15. 1 (September 2009): 27-30.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Methods and Results of an Accreditation-Driven Writing Assessment in a Business College.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23.1 (January 2009): 83-107.
  • Warnock, Scott. “Responding to Student Writing with Audio-Visual Feedback.” Writing and the iGeneration: Composition in the Computer-Mediated Classroom. Eds. Terry Carter and Maria A. Clayton. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press, 2008. 201-27.


Committee Reports and Position Statements

  • CCCC Online Writing Instruction Standing Group. “The 2021 State of the Art of OWI Report.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. (I was a member of this committee and co-author of the report.)
  • Global Society of Online Literacy Educators. “Statement on Anti-Racist Online Literacy Pedagogy and Administration.” June 16, 2020. (I was a member of the Executive Board.)
  • Global Society of Online Literacy Educators Online Literacy Instruction Principles Committee. Online Literacy Instruction Principles and Tenets. Global Society of Online Literacy Educators, 2019. (I was Co-Chair of this Committee.)