Chemistry Cumulative Exam Schedule

All examinations will be held on the Saturdays listed below from 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Chemistry Department conference room, Disque 307:

Date Proctor
December 4, 2021 Frank Ji
January 8, 2022 Fraser Flemming
February 5, 2022 Joe Foley
March 5, 2022 Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner
April 2, 2022 Karl Sohlberg
May 7, 2022 Ezra Wood
June 4, 2022 Dionicio Martinez

As noted in the Chemistry Department Graduate Student Handbook, students are required to pass 5 cumulative qualifying exams, and are given 10 chances (exams) to do so. Students who fail 6 exams cannot remain in the program.

Analytical Cumes: Each examination will contain at least one question concerning an Analytical Chemistry feature article (previously called A-Page article) from the previous six months. These A-page articles appear in the issue dated the 1st of the month. Since the cumulative exams are generally the 1st Saturday of the month, "the previous six months" will not include the month of the exam (e.g., for the examination in October the previous six months will include articles from April through September). Articles considered fair game are those describing techniques and applications; you will not be examined on literature, conference or book reviews. If you have any questions concerning these exams, please direct them to one of the analytical faculty (Joe Foley, PhD or Kevin G. Owens, PhD).