Health Administration Faculty's New Book Used for Course
August 13, 2019
The Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management is the newest book by Stephen F. Gambescia, a professor in the Health Administation department, and colleagues. The book will be used in HSAD 331: Nonprofits and Healthcare, a course in the undergraduate program.
CNHP offers one of the few health administration programs in the country that give students a full course in managing nonprofits. "I have been teaching our nonprofit and healthcare course for some 14 years.
I know the gaps in knowledge that both students and those coming new to the nonprofits need to know--even those middle managers," explains Gambescia. Written to take the reader from A to Z on managing the nonprofit, this is the first comprehensive book of its kind. While there are many books on nonprofits, their focus is limited to just a few areas like leadership and fund raising.
Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management, though being used
for a specific class, isn't a traditional text book. This reader is the first extensive book on the subject. "It is perfect for the generalist who needs to know a lot about the nonprofit from top managers to board members'" Gambescia states. He also thinks it's worth the expense for specialists, new staff members, long-term volunteers, especially those in leadership roles, who will find more than enough to sink their teeth in. Authors, including Gambescia and other leaders in the field, explore topics like governance, the nonprofit in American society, special events, program evaluation and crisis communications.
The voice of the book is one of coaching. Authors lay out some fundamentals in each chapter, then discuss more advanced information about the subject. "Regardless, we give the nuance of the art and science of managing the functions of a nonprofit to help expand understanding and knowledge of core principles." So much has changed in concepts of charity and nonprofits except the underlying dedication, creativity and endless hard work of those who work and volunteer to positively impact people in need. The focus is on healthcare but certainly anyone involved in social service or education will find it useful.